Page 134 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 134

120                       Records of Bahrain

                                   THIS HIGH EXCUTIVE COMBITTEI3, BAHRAIN    <3 O  )' KC«  » jj—ji
                    /Y*, Ot-Jn
                                                                                     , q^UJI
                   Dated 21 at February, 1955

                    Tho Socrotnry of Stato to the                     j—jJj *—»1—>oJ 1 L*>La *i Ji-w
                     Forolpn Affalra to H.B.M.'a      !  ___iiVlLilk^ ’Si i-JM>JU^U
                      Government, Bahrain.
                     Rospoctod Sir,
                                                      i Jl                 i_*y ; \sa UjI
                          Wo take the happy oppor­
                     tunity of your visit to Balirain        \03^ cJ               * I* ^iuUo
                     to submit to Your Excolloncy       L^jl J—aJM>Jl          i A         J
                     this memorandum in tho ardont                -   -   ..   . ..   .   .. , ,,
                     hopo that our case will receive                     ^'3* u            ■
                     sympathatic and careful study "              ^              >oj Ul L^l*
                     from U.B.M.'s Government, who                           ,*J1
                     we firmly believe are our
                     natural allies and in whom tho
                     people of Bahrain have faith             a-^J 1 p—L         Lu ail  ^
                     that they will help as best as
                     thoy can in improving their con­            j k »_J 11m 4 jj»j tt *J   aJ I
                     ditions and getting back their      jp      Ia liiij I y   Uj JI Lp« i>mu 1 ol-a»
                     usurpod rights.
                                                                • JM ■■■■ ») 1 4 a-A ^ pj li) 1 £*£>I *_J luo^l
                      . Wo had submitted to His jiigh- U^UJlL^U         ^ *Ll^ Ac A^j J tul
                       so tho Ruler of Balirain, on -    . - i fT *,!           %,    - '
                       half of the people of Bahrain"*^                    VI f—^111  * uVI
                     who electod us spontaneously as    *—1 a L«J I biuaij o Lia   LiJ 1 ^ a«*»«) I * \yi 1 o4
                     thoir representatives, sovoral       u 1 1-is   k J1 ai%- oilaC jjai* Oy^ O ^   .X>~ V
                     fair and reasonable demands, a
                     copy of which was tlion sent to                 . 4j__>-b I.JILa* i-La^ J>-*
                     Your ^xcolloncy under a special
                     cover, describing the real
                     situation in these isknds. It       a'UI^U          UJIU. baio1 -V
                     is a pity that wo had no reply      £-----p^JLyLof^ll .iwo j-^JUxjj^U)l *\j a-^» 0*“)
                     rrom  “or Britannic Majesty’s       *'\yr o*                 oVl^vijVI ^
                     fi Government, other   than a few
                     words of sympathy given by the     Oi—*—*y^*~                 ^Jlc.
                     Political Agents in Bahrain,      ^Z]\    ^        la*            i^UJI
                           It is not enough for
                     national movemont to have   sym- ^ ^3            3*03J
                     pathy alone, what wo roally nood trJI ^v-^JI.i iJ>UJI iu*-L» i..£>- ,J^. _Ji; hiU
                     is true understanding of the        .*r                     .. i.'i.Ja^Vl. .a
                     problem and an umicablo solution. ^ ftf
                                                         *j—^ J^jJI ^            ja—.jit
                     our popular*55!t?tlon"toVila        ^0»3/^0»^J» J, cb bai-1 cJUuJl
                     ness the Ruler we have boon doing

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