Page 161 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 161
Constitutional reforms, 1955 147
This is tho "High Executive Committee's"
reply to the mcs.oQgo given them by the
Political Agent,, in anower to their petition
to the Caeretary of State at EA 10l6/l|. By
giving tho Committee a memorandum of what he
aaid (wo had intended the nieooage to be oral) 1
tho Politioal Agent gave them the opportunity
to diaaoot 11 in detail, and this they have
now done.
2. The giot of tho document is as follows
The High Executive Committee nro
disappointed ;by our roply. They
recognise the need for our help and
guidance in Bahrain: for example, they
welcome Mr. Audoley's help in labour
mattero and the appointmenta of Mr, Pence
as Judicial Adviser and Colonel
Hnrnmersley as Assistant Commandan.t of
z Police. But they consider that the
measures taken by the B ahrain Government
cc (and rehearsed in the Political Agent's
< message) to reform the administration and
£ provide the means for the people to
(Si expross their views and to participate in
I the government, are inadequate. The
H government committees which have been set
Z up are not representative and for this
reason the people have not co-operated
z with them. The main complaint of the
m High Executive Committee io against tho
t "one person rule" in Bahrain, and their
cc "fundamental demand" an elected
legislative Assembly. The High Executive
Committee is fully representative of the
LU people, and if this is doubted it suggests
that a vote of confidence in it be taken
o by referendum. It is trying to achieve
H ita ends by peaceful and legal means, and
a it looks to Her Majesty's Government for
z support.
H 3. We are promised tho Residency's comments
z on the document, and we can await these and
the Political Resident's recommendations
before deciding what our next move should be.
Any further polemical exchange with the High
Executive Committee on the merits of the
measures taken by the Bahrain Government
seems liable to lead us into embarrassment;
and it will probably be best for the Political
Agent merely to inform the members of the
Committee that we have received and taken
note of their letter. In his ordinary
contacts with them he can of course continue
to try to get them to co-operate with the
Bahrain Government and to moderate their
(C. T. E. Ewart-Biggs)
April 16. 1955
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