Page 164 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 164

150                        Records oj Bahrain

                                        Lull               X-^\

                                   Tins man executive committee, Bahrain.
                 it might oomo                    3
                 in harmony uith and in aocordanoo to thoir traditions and 0^3 toms und roligion, ao
                 Balirnin i3 an Islamic and Arab country, it can accept any law wliioh conflict with
                 r • Islamic and Arab tradition.  Wo would liko to quo3tion tho cauao for the
                      ness of tho civil oodo to completo and go on with Tonal codoj and al3o wo
                     oiod tliat tho proposed Penal Code lias boon composod in tho light of tho latost
                 and most-up-to-dato legal thought and wo can not soo theso most-up-to-dato nad
                 latost logal thought will work out under the presently existing opporassivo and
                 backward and non-constitutional ono person rulo in this country.
                            (3) The presonoo of Mr, Peace, Tlie Bi'Itisli Judicial Advisor, has no
                 doubt croatod some ld.nd of trust and confidence in tho pooplo*s minds towards tho
                 Local Courts and thoir illiterate Judges, In showing our sincere appreciation
                 to II, B, M's Government for its of for to train suitablo Bahraincoo in tho law in
                 England, wo would liko to point out tliat tho Bahrain Governmont has refused to
                 continue paying the tuition foes for a Baliraini student studying law at the
                 University of Iondon.   How can we reconcile or comparo the first good will with
                 second adopted policy?
                            (4)   The coming of an expert in the Polico and public security work like
                  Colonol Hamorsloy is a good and welcomed action. We definitely lenow from his
                  testimony before the Governmont Committoo of enquiry tliat ho lias submitted sovoral
                 reports ainco his arrival to the Governmont suggesting and rocoinmedning  drastic and
                  fundamental cliangcs in tho Police Department and in tho pr«£*xo&s, but in vain and
                 with no positive result. He lias been quoted to say in Ms testimony tliat nHad
                  ho been glvon tho fully liborty to exerciso Ms authority in Ms Job, ho would havo
                  done a lot in less than a month of time11. Bu how can one expect for any such liberty
                  and freedom to bo given to any expert, no matter wl»at Ms rank i3, under the ruling
                  dospotic and ono porson control as oxists in Balirain,
                            (5)   Tho Memorandum mentioned tliat uIl,II., tho Ruler, lias agreed to
                  modernise tho constituation of tho various municipal councils in Balu'ain and tliat
                  thoir status is going to be reformed in order tliat they shall liavo groator powers
                  arid autonony. The Municipalities, as it ir in all parts of the world, is 3omotliing
                  owned and to be run by the pooplo with no direct control or interference in ito
                  affairs, and we strongly encourago and side with any positivo roforrn seting back to
                  those municipalities their powers and autonony. But we are doubtful whothor such
                  reformo are to be executed as long as tills country la controlled and run by one porson
                  whose word is final and never repealed, and wo can stato dosons of examples to prove
                  our doubt and fear, but wo suffice ourselves with two illustrations of (a) tho Manama
                  Municipality was not able to execute® its decision to remove the northern concern
                  of tho advisorato garden wldch constitute a groat danger to tho traffic, because the
                  Adviser has refused to sanotion tide decision as it affected his own porsonal interest,
                  (b) The Manama MuMcipality decided tliat all open air cinemas must be covered during
                  the winter season to which the advisor lias agrood and sanctioned, but witliin few
                  montlis he repudiated Ms approval and wroto a harsh letter to the Municipality tliat
                  tho whole question is out of Mi e business, and so tho MuMcipality wa3 forced to
                  give up becauso of tMs direct control and interference in ito work, wliioh is tho
                  solo and main cause for tho present failure and non-prou uncivilly of theso concilfl.
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