Page 169 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 169

Constitutional reforms, 1955               155

                        TIIE mail EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, BAHRAIN.
     Haw this can bo refused when it Is wliat wo are demanding ? IT the people liad
     bycotted tho elections of tho Munioipalfeity, it is only bocauso bhoyknow tlirough
     tills past exporionoo that connoil elected will have no constitutional authority
     or powers whatsoovor, and tliat all its docisions will be at tho mercy of the wishes
     aiid dosiros of the person to Gatisfy or reject as ho pleased, Tliis way is far
     from being constitutional, in fact it is tho diotatorsliip in blood and flesh,
     As the elections doGcrlbod by tho memorandum wo lenaw notliing as yet about it, and
     wo do no know for what purpose it is going to bo run, and thu3 wc abstain from
     commenting until wo know about tho nature and purpose of these olections and how
     it is to be run and the olootions laws according wliich it will run.  II,B, M's
     Government should root assured tliat if tills olootion run with tho wishes and
     desires of the pooplo and fullfil its aims of a real constitutional domooratio
     lifo for tills country then tlio pooplo will not boj'cott it as tliis is wliat they are
     trying to acliiove, But all Idnds of pretends and calming methods and half way
     measures shall bo opposed by the people and filial! not recognise them as they are
     looking forward for a bobber life to go on with tho stag© thoy liavo roachod of
     progress and evolution. It i3 a coiqiloto fallacy and wrong tiling to compare our
     progressive consciancos with tliat of some of our neighbouring states, or to think
     that wo are still tho samo old poor and simple minded divided people wlip had boon
     played with without knowing whan it is Going. We havo to speak liiglil^oursolves
     and praise our pooplo, wo believe tliat we aro speaking tho truth when wo 3tato
     tliat wliat the Balirain pooplo has roachod in their cultural progress and evolution
     is no less than tlint of our brotherly state Iraq, However Iraq lia3 been given
     their constitutional life since thirty years; and tliis is tho fact when we don’t
     boliovo is not clear to II,D, M*s. Government,
                 Wo tlianlc II. 13, 11*3, Government to wliat it has shown in it3 memorandum
     of its cares and desires for the evolutionaly peaceful progress of, but wo would
     ask you tliat it should be better acquainted and more understanding to tho real
     existing conditions in Bahrain, as there is notliing to show tliat it is an evolu­
     tionary democratic way, or tliat tla people are taking part and participating in
     running thoir affiirs.
                 There is one single person who i3 controlling everything and overy one
     should abide by and accopt liis word, or ho is bo banned and described as disturber
     and doing illigal actions. It is a baisod tiling to accuse a whole people of such
     accusationsonly becauso it is asking for its legal rights. Is tliis the kind of
     domooracy wtth the memorandum s tat os existing in Balirain? Tho last steps under­
     taken by the progressive Government of Balirain serve as a proof to showy!/ the lack
     of domocracy in Balirain wlion it liad appointed few pooplo in two advisory councils
     for the Health and Eduction. It/is a democratic way for the Governments to appoint
     tlio membors of such councils who are to be responsible to administ tho public
     administration or is it a democratic measuro to liave these councils as advisory
     with no forcing power and whose decisions can't be legally final. How could wo
     describe such a Government who is f oil owing such a one person rulo and opperassive
     moasuros in Jpublio administration as to introducing reforms and broadening tho
      relationship botweon tho Government, and tlie people whose intentions towards it lias
      not yet boon uncovered, uud did not reply to tho domands prosentod several montlis
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