Page 170 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 170

156                         Records oj Bahrain

                                     Lull               ;L^\
                                   T1II3 HIGH EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, BAHRAIN.
                How could it be possiblo for a pooplo to oooporato vrlth a Oovornmont which is
                ignoring its wishos and dosiroa and does not onro to its will, VJo strongly
                boULovo tliat noithor tho BahrnineBe Government nor 11,B, M’s, Government can dony
                the fact tint wo are tin real representatives of tlio pooplo baood on wliat wo liavo
                of tons of thousands of signatures and tho fact of those responses of tin pooplo
                to all our notices and directions to them, and tin fact of the eoiftitutlonal why-
                through which tlioso ropx'ooontatlvoo aro olootod.
                            If tho Balirain Oovornmont liavo good intentions towards thoso pooplo,
                wl\y thon should it not recognise its roprosontatives and try to como to an under­
                standing with ? Who lias in tills caso slipped away from tho democratic means, is
                it those^Presont a whole pooplo demanding a real democratic way of life, or tho
                Government wliioh doocribo tho legislative asoombly wo are demanding as s domand of
                a "QROUP of pooplo" and can’t bo realised". Is it tlio progrossivo spirit which
                stopped tho Government from tliat fullfilrncnt of tliisjustiflod democratic demand
                or disoussing it at lonst. Is there any constitutional or logal status standing
                in any ono direction and all the rest of pooplo on tho other opposito dlroction ?
                Such IdLnd of a Government doos not represent except tlioso who are controlling it,
                11,13, M's, Government will do good if it advises tliis Government to como to tho
                right thing and go on in accordance to tho wishes and dosiros of its pooplo as
                ar\y progressive Government should do.
                            Vie have not tliroatonod at any time to cause disordor or go against the
                law, as wo aro peaceful poople, and wo find no reason for such statomont in tho
                memorandum oxcopt to bo an exouso or an indiroct. notion to a prepared policy of
                 opporassivo measuros against the poaccful people. The' world public opinion at
                 present stands on tho side of tho people a’lways, and not on tlio side of tho back­
                up- .1 absolute dicfcatorsliip Government, thus it stands on our sideno mattor wliat is
                  no to covor tho real fact3 of wliat is boing done in tliis country.
                            As to tho throo advioos of II,B, M’s, Government to the people of
                 balirain, ire would reply as follows; -
                            l) Firstly tlio progress and reforms which liavo been latoly acliiovod
                 and of wlilch tlio pooplo aro asked to talco caroful note, can’t go on in tliis way
                 under such opperassive and absoluto ono person rule wliioh is trying to admirdstor
                 every pliasc of public administration, and that is tho reason wly it fails to
                 administer and phaso proporly, and thus corruption and disordor followed in
                 all the dopartmonts of tho Government of Balirain, and which lias been uncovored
                 tlirough tlio reports of tlio official investigation cormittoos. Thus the pooplo
                 of Balirain can’t look at tliesc superficial reforms as fu'llftiling its demands and
                 wishes as it is loolcing to a far bob tor ends. The pooplo aro ambitious to liavo
                 the direct control ovor all those pliases so Hint they will direct thorn in tho way
                 beneficial to the whole poople and not a few persons,
                             Z) Socondly, tho participation of tlio pooplo to tho fullest oxtent
                 in tho various committees and elcctod bodies, wliich wo boliove the. memorandum
                 refers to the Municipal councils, wo repeat wliat we have alroady pointed out,
                 tint tlie poople liavo boycotted them because they liavo absolutely no legal
                 constitutional basis and tlwy are ready to take part in and participate in’such
                 cormittoos and oloctcd bodies, when the Government shows on its own part iW
                                                                        ----- contd,-—
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