Page 177 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 177

Constitutional reforms, 1955               163

                       FROM Mm Ain TO FOIHIGN OITO

            Cypher/OTP                                mipAnTmarrAr,

            Mr, Burrows
            No. 299                   D. 5.30 p.m. April 30, 1955
            April 30, 1955            R. A.12 p.w. April 30, 1955


                 Addressed to Foreign Offloo telegram Mo. 299 of April 30*
            Hcpoatcd Tor information Maying to Beirut (for Development
                My tele gran Ho. 200: Bahrain Government Labour Committee.
                 The first meeting of the Oounittoe took place April 30,
            Audslcy present. It v/ao generally satisfactory as inaugural
           meeting. The povimlttcc asked Audslcy whether he could stay
            longer to help thorn v/ith detailed consideration of dra-Vt lav/
            uud v/cro told that he could not but that it was hoped to provide
            expert in good time. They said that it would be impossible for
            them to make any progress without expert assistance.

                 2. Draft law prepar’d by Audslcy is being translated
           and will bo ready for detailed discussion in committee in
           about tlirec weeks' time. i-Jxpcrt ouglit therefore to be here
           before then.   Mo ought also, if possible, to see Audslcy
           on the way, Audslcy'a movements are as follows: Leaves here for
           ruwait May 6, leaves Kuwait for Basra Mu;; J3, loaves Basra for
           Bagdad May 10, leaves Bagdad May 22. Alternatively Audslcy cun
            return  here from one of these places for.a couple of days to meet
            expert nerc •
                 Foreign Office please pass Beirut as my telegram No. 12
            ; saving.

                  [Repeated Having to Beirut].
                                                        * MAY %
            DlS'CRIBUr-W rns
            Eastern Department                          *V
            Labour Adviser

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