Page 219 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 219

                        British influence and foreign interests, 1904-1906


              mo, oxccpt ono.                                        _ .
          ->  sAetHBPflR’SSiWS f
              blows woro on my head and knocked mo silly. Tlio mission doctor attended
              mo.  I am still siok. I could work now, but tlio shop is closed. I did not   6CO
              any ono clso attacked.
                  No cross-oxamination.

                                          No. 7.
                  Abdul Itabim bin Ilassan Knzerani, aged about 23, on solemn affirma*
              tion I was weighing sugar in my .shop (that of Kal Aliwaz, whoso servant I
              am). I loft tho sugar nnd wont into tlio stroot to buy fish. I saw a crowd
              nnd went to sco what was up. I found Ramzan with a group of raon round
              him, who wero heating him. Thoroworo a great lot of them, Arabs nnd Sidis.
              When I went up, they hit mo on tlio head and arms. I received about six
              blows; after that I bocanio inscnsiblo. I remembor four porsons striking mo.
              Tlio name  lie two nro :—
                    (1) Mnrzuk bin Znid, a loafer Sidi boy.
                    (2; Snad bin (?) an Arab, also a loafor.
                  I could rcoogniso tljp ntlm^ two, ono is Marzuk's brother, the other a rela­
              tion of—MTwTfuK. TTicliovo I was carriod on a donkey to my houso by ono
              8ndiq, but have no recollection. I was inscnsiblo for two doys nnd was attonded
              by tlio mission doctor. I am not ablo to work yot and my hand and body
              still give mo much pain. I was boaten to insensibility boforo Sadiq and Abbas
              woro beaten, and do not know who boat them.

                                          No. 8.
                  8ndiq bin Ghulam Hussein, about 20 years of ago, states on solemn affirma­
              tion :—I am sorvant to llaji Ahwaz nnd work in bis shop. I was about tooloso
              tho shop for tho day (ono of llaji Abwaz’s five shops), whon I heard that Ramzan
              was being killod. I ran for tho spot, but wlion I got ns far as Abdu tteza
              Howani's shop, I was assaulted by three persons fromla crowd. Thoy hit mo over
              tho bead with sticks, and I flod towards Kal Abwaz’s houso; but boforo going
               tbero, I lay low on the scaslioro (ill all was quiet.
                  Tlio mon who struck mo woro negros. Lean rooogniso thorn, but do not_
              knflg-ihcir names. I don’t know, but pgoplg Tnll.mfl4imvn.rn A lr Din Aumcd/aT
              , Bormnts^ I onTyTnow thorn by sight. I liavo beon two years boro.
                  iknow Abdul Rahman bin Hasson. Ho is my foJlow-scrvant. I did not
              sco him beaten, nor did I soo anything of him at oil at thottimo. Thoy brought
              lum borao^in tho night. My head was bad and bleeding, and I know nothing
                  No cross-examination.

                                          No. 0.
                  Abbas bin Kal Rezo Nnjyor states on solemn affirmation :—I am a carpenter
              ?           my father, who has Icon employed at work on British Agonoy
              building. My age is about 26.                            ° J
                                                              ‘Mf. a s
                                              Thoro was a crowd of over 100 of.
               a IhnwMwff Mdl8, rThor?i ™oro ovon womou tbcro ™ho joined in. I received
               a .liowcr of blow, from tho mob. X rccoSni.o two of myo.aailonSci ^
                    >o( W , known n8 BukhoitolNubT               “
                    (2) Marzuk, a nogro,

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