Page 222 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 222
212 Records vj Bahrain
TVhon the masons passed baok from brmar, I saw ICahlani’s sou go among
then; and they beat lum. I did not boo any othor Arabs b.ntou rxuvpt Wnlod
Kali tarn. He fell down and got up and bolted and hid himself in tho shop of
Mubarak ol Gauiois. Aflor that thoy loft him nlono and thu l’ersians dispulsod.
No. HA.
Abdulla bin Saad, Arab, aged 40, on solomn afllrmation states: —
keep a piece-goods shop in tho "Sook cl Maghosis.” I romombor tho
.isturbanco at tho boginning of this month. I said my "nar " prayers that
day at tho mosque of Mahomed bin Alwnud. Aftor that I roturnod to my shop
and stayod thcro until tho disturlmnoo began. Tho first that I saw was that
Abdu Nabi passod my shop with many Bersinns. I only know ono who had a
rovolvor. I can't say why I noticed him, only I olosod my shop and wont
ayvay. Nobody told mo tho word “ Itowarwar,” although I usually know the
weapon ns “fnrd." Abdu Nabi hud a stick in his hand and so had tho othors.
They passed mo and I saw no more.
I was subsequently sent for by Sheikh Ahmed with tho other pooplo. I
don’t know what day, but about 10 days ago.
They asked mo what I know and I said I saw Abdu Nabi in the bazaar in
front of his servants saying to thorn “ Buznn, Buzan,cl Paloosfel bet.” He said
these exact icords.
(The others have quoted him dilTcrcntlv and it is to bo noted that" JJcznn ”
is Persian and tho rest Arabic.)
No. ID.
Abdul Aziz bin Salim, Negroid, aged about 40, slates on solemn nfiirm-
ation:—I am a diver in tho servico of Abdulin bin Ilassau Uoseri. I livo in
Bahrein in a house of ray own. I bavo boon hero the wholo of Ramznn. A
disturbance occurred about 5th. I was hero at tho time. In the afternoon
I 6aid my “nsr ” prayers in tho mosque called “Jumnan" and afterwards
wont to the Persian bazaar nnd sat outside a Ilalwa shop. 1 hud no businos9
thoro particularly. I sat talking to a friend, Ahmed bin liuji Abdulla. I sat
thero about 3. h'»ura or 3J hours. Tho namo of tho owner of tho shop was
Ilaji Abdulla and Ahmed, his son nbovemontionud. No onoclsowas sitting
thero. "While there I sow Abdu Nahi's woighing boy standing near tho Ilalwa
shop. IIo was doing nothing particular. Another hoy on Arab passed him
and ran against him. Tbojunwaut of Abdu Nabi caught hold of Iho Arab hoy
bv^tho neok. The Arab boy ImdTVis'brother with him and they both closed
with tho Persian. This was quite closo to mo. I weut up and iuterforod and
stopped them. They none of them had stioks, but small canes, whioh they
usod, but did nob hurt ono anothor. Aftor I soparated them, they went away.
Aflor 15 minul08 later Abdu Nabi camo himself from tho Anrara. Ho abused
tho two Arabs.wllo had quarrelled with his servant. I do not know tho Arabs*
names. I 6houl<lxQ.c°g9UfLth9iEif Tho Arabs did not return tho
abuso. Abdu Nabi* then wenPlb tho Amara at loast I supposo fo as ho
brought back workmen with him. IIo was away about $• hour. Wlion ho
camo back, he was with his workmon walking in front of thorn. Ho had nothing
in his bands, but ordorod bis men to “ l3czan " striko. Ho meant to striko
four orfivo Arabs who woro sitting tboro, including tho two hoys who had
quarrelled' with his servant. They did not kill any Arab in ray presenco, nor
did I sco any wounded or hurt. Thoy thon left the bazaar. I roturnod to ray
houso; ’ I' saw'no more of tho disturbance, nor did I aeo any ono wounded, but
P heard Micro was a- row in tho street, but was not curious enough to go and
U'waa 8ub8oquontly oallod by Mansoor bin Khoir Allah (Inst Priday,
Deeboibor 2nd) to Sheikh Ahmed's houso afternoon prayers. Vazior Sho-
Tei'dblh wosprosent, and others whom they hnd'oollcotcd for toslimony. Mullah
Slieikh Ahmed bin Mnhznr took my slatcmont. Sairann Megu wrote it.
Thoy asked ino what had happoned. I told them ns above. They wrote it down.
I gavo my verbal-ovidenco to Sheikh Ahmed onoo before, but bo did not wrlto