Page 220 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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                           210                       Records of Bahrain

                               my watoh stolen, also Ha. 8 just rcccivod from Mr. Zwomcr   aa pay, I pro-
                              sumo tlio Arabs took mo homo.
                               ...   I do know Abdul
                                              ... ®;|,irn bin Hasson, if ho is tlio sarao as “Itahimu,” but
                              aid not SCO him on this afternoon. I only heard from tho mission dootor that
                              ho also was ono of tho woundod.
                                  I know Sadiq bin Ghulam ITusaoin, but did not soo him that aftornoon. I
                              can giyo no roason for tlio assault upon mo oxoept that I am a Persian. I havo
                              nover been maltroatod boforo during seven years’ rcsidonoo hero.
                                  No cross-examination.
                                                          No. 10.
                                  Mobomod biu Kal Salmun Bushin, 23 years, on solomn affirmation states
                              I am a baker. I have a shop of my own noar tho bazaar. Botwoon 0 and 10
                              (Arabic) on tho day in question I heard a noiso going on in tho bazaar and
                              went to soo what it was. I had hardly reached tho ipot (at ontranco to tho
                              bazaar) I got a blow from a Mwhab (knob korry with a lumo of pitch at tho
                              end used for lighting) in the faco on tho loft chock bono. 1‘still suffor much
                              j»ain and cannot masiioato. Thoro wore many people present, but I was only
                              beatcu by one, an Arab.
                                 I do not know liiq namo amlconld nn(. r^n^nicn him if I saw him.
                                  J fell down whon I was hit.
                                 1 lmd lls. 8 in my pocket, which wero spilt. I piokod mysolf up and ran
                              for my life.
                                 I enmo from Bushiro less than a month ago, and do not know Arabic and
                              did not understand what the mob said. I was so frightened that I did not closo
                              my shop. A friend kindly did 60 for mo, namely, my partner Kal Kazim. I
                              took refuge in my house.
                                 I did not seo anyouo also boing beaten.
                              Enclosure No. 7.
                                    Statements of Arabs sent to resident by the Sheikh of Bahrein.
                                                         No. 12.
                                 Hasson bin Ahmed Ibrahim, agod about 40, on solomn affirmation:—
                              I remember tho ocoosion.on which tho disturbance oocurrcd ; it was 6th
                              liarazan. On that aftornoon I wont to tho bazaar to buy nocossaries (which tho
                              Porsians doal in). I mado my purchases and was going back to my houso, whon
                              I sow a disturbance going on noar Abdul Roza Dowani’s shop. Porsians and
                              Arabs were mixed up and quarrolling. 1 passed by thorn and did not enter
                              omong thorn; no ouc touched me. I did not speak to any of thorn. I did not
                              try to stop thorn, as I thought they would boat mo; and I got away as quiotly
                              as I could.
                                 I saw Abdu Nabi coming towards tho crowd from tbo opposite direction.
                              I bad got up on to a shop counter in ordor to soo what was going on, and saw
                              over tho heads of tho quarrelling pcoplo that Abdu Nabi preoedod by a servant
                             was ooming from tho opposite direction. Abdu Nabi’s servant had a rovolvor
                              in his hand. I don’t know bis namo. I could identify him if I saw him. .Ho
                              did not firo tho rovolvor. I then went to my houso. I hod no curiosity to soo
                             any moro and wisbod to got away, and ran as quickly os I oould. I know no
                                 There woro 100 or 200 men. I should say. I did not count thorn.
                                 I cannot soy how many Arabs or how many Persians thoro woro. (After
                             being prompted by Shoikh Hamad, ho says tho Porsians wero in tho majority.)
                                 I was sont for by Mullah Shoikh Amad with tho others last Friday.
                                 Nofurthor cross-examination.
                                                         No. 18.
                                 8oleh-el-Mirian Nogroid, aged 40, states on solomn affirmation;—I am a
                             divor’s oasistant (gbois). I livo in Bohroin. I romembor tho disturbance oarJy
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