Page 223 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 223
British influence and foreign interests, 1904-1906
Mullahs) sctllo iliom.
X haven’t tho least idoa who tlio two Arab boys wore.
Cross-examined by Sheikh Ahiued:
Thcro was no revolver in Abdu Nabi’s hand.
Bis people struolc tho Arabs whon ho said •« Bczan, Bczan,” and tho
Arubs then loft tho bazaar.
I oaunot say how many Persians thcro wore.
No. 10.
Musa bin Yusuf, Arab, of Hassa, aged 00, stales on solomn affirmation
I am a broker, soiling clothes. I hnvo a shop. I romember tho disturb*
anco at tho beginning of Ramzan. I was in my shop that afternoon and
bavin" closed my shop was about to go to my houso. VVhilo going thoro, I
found°Abdu Nnbi with sorno Persians near tho Porsinn shops. I saw about
0 men. Abdu Nnbi had nothing iu his hand. His servant Aliynn had a
rovolvor in his hand, and others hud sticks. I can soo woll (his oyos look as
if ho could not sco, being very opaque). Ali was holding up tho revolver. Ho
did not firo it. Ho and tho mon with him wero running. Abdu Nabi was
ahead and calling out “ Bczan, Bczan,” roforring to tho Arabs, about 8 or 9
who woro thoro. I saw tho Porsinn strike a negro domestic namod Saad bin
Perk an bu Kkairallah.
Abdu Nnbi called out, “ Kill him : bis blood monoy is in my box.” I passed
on and went home. Tlioy hit him with slicks, but did not hurt him sovercly,
3 or 4 blows.
I saw no more until I got homo. I was only called to Skoikh Ahmed’s
house last Friday (Decombcr 2nd). I gnvo tho samo statomentus I havo given
now. ___________
No. 17.
Hassan Mokaramod, Arab, aged 30, states on solomn affirmation :—1 am a
groeor. I romember the disturbance at tho beginning of Ramzan.
I was sitting in my shop in tho ovoning. Ali, the servant of Abdu Nabi,
passed my shop. Ho wasnccompaniod by 6 or 6 Bushiris, labourers; ho was
at their head and had a rovoWer in his hands, tho othors bad sticks. Thoy
wero hurrying along. Ali did not fire his rovolvor boforo me. In front of my
shop they struck a boy namod Quornn bin Saad an Arab. I don’t know why
thoy struck him.
Thoy gavo him ono or two blows and bo bolted. Aftor I saw this I closed
my shop and wont to my house, fearing somo disturbance.
I ivns sont for to 8koikk Ahmod's house last Friday (2nd Deoombor).
Shoikh Ahmod and Shorcidoh wero presont, and took down’somethin" of
what I 6aid. °
No oro6s-oxamination.
No. 18.
Ah.ned bin l^azim, Bakroini, agod 36, rioo doalor, states on solomn affirm-
aUon :-I roraombor tho day of tho disturbance, obout 5 or Q days from beein-
fa. and Abdu Nabi a .orvant-X don't know lb namo-4a» in fronUf KEF
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