Page 226 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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216                        Records of Bahrain

                                     Tho row stopped of itself ami tho  pooploioft tho bazaar, I wont homo
                                  and saw no raoro of anything  unusua I. I was sout for to Mullah 8holkh
                                  Ahmod's last Priday with the othors.
                                     No cross-examination.

                                  Buolosuro No 8.
                                  Statement* of fMfliuMnj fnr 7.y    Liktilv to bo able to throw light
                                                 on points of/aol, Nos. 11, 22, and 23.   —■ ■■ " ■
                                                              No. 11.
                                     Mahomed Sarhan, Arab, statos ou solomn affirmation I am in sorvioo
                                 of Sheikh All biu Ahmed. I have boon in his sorvioo llvo years.
                                     Ou tho day that tho disturbnnoo took plaoo I had boon out hawking. On
                                 my return 1 saw a crowd of Arabs noar tho entranoo of tho bazaar. Thor#'
                                 wovo Arabs, Porslans, and women and woro hurrying baokwards and forwards.. I
                                 aslcod what was up. They said thoro was a quarrol botwoonPorsiuus and Arabs,
                                 and that Abdu Nabi had told his servants to bo at tho Aruba. I took my bird to
                                 my house. Ali Kazim’s house is contiguous to miuo. 1 sat down to wash
                                     Moanwhilo a woman from Ali bin Kazim's houso told him that mon had
                                 rmhod into their houso. I went out and found a crowd at Ali bin Kazim’s
                                 door, Arabs, Bahroiuis, Porsians, and womon. I asked thorn what thoy woro
                                 doing and told thorn to go away. Tho plaoo was full of people. Somo wont
                                 away, somo romaiuod. Horuupon tho womon told mo Abdu Nabi wus iusido
     I                           and told mo to come in. I wont in and found Abdu Nabi. Ho was alono,
                                 standing near tho door. I asked him how ho was and ho said, “As you aoo
                                 raj.” I don’t know what ho meant. I loft and returned to . ray houso.
                                 I don’t know why tho womon oollod mo, but porhaps thoy did so on
                                 uocount of the mob at tho houso. I thou returned to my houso and said my
                                     Afterwards I mado inquiries from pooplo as to what had happonod, and I
                                 was told that Persians and.Arab youths had beon lighting in tho buzuar.
                                     When I saw Abdu Nabi, ho was in his usual health and condition. Ho
     ;                           was not bleeding or porcurbod.
                                     Thoro wero m other men iu tho houso. I do not know why tho womon
                                 screamed and oallod to me for help.
                                     I now say that the mob outside woro all Persians.
                                     No cro-is-oxamination.
                                     Note—Notwithstanding Sheikh Hamad’s refusal to call any ono actually
                                 implicated, 1 persuaded Vuzicr Shoroidoh to bring this man on the grounds
                                 that ho h id apparently partially assisted Abdu Nabi (No. 2), vide his statement.
                                 Ho evidently came, liowcvor, duly tutored and propared to lio, and kept chang­
                                 ing his statements constantly. His ovidcnco cannot bo depended on in tho
                                 slightest.               ___________
                                                             No. 22.
                                     Ali bin Mahomed, Porsian of Hayir, states on solomn affirmation -I am a
                                 labourer under tho mason Mahmud working at tho Agonoy hospital. I
                                 remombor tho ocourronco at tho beginning of tho month, but did not hear of it
                                 till afterwards. X lmvo nover boon a servant of Abdu Nabi, but about tlirco
                                 months avo I was employed by him to accompany him whon ho walkod abroad
                                 and to carry a revolver. This was dono for 10 or 12 days. Tho reason was
                                 that Abdu Nabi had rundown somo robbors, Arabs of Bussorah ; 3 of thorn oro
                                 still in prison, 6 othors woro expelled aftor a month. Ho, Abdu Nabi, wont in
                                 fear of his life and asked mo to stand by him day and night for o fow days.
                                     Abdu Nabi supplied tho rovolYcr and took it back aftor tho 10 days  woro
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