Page 361 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 361
Turkish interests and Persian claims, 1906-1909 351
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Mr. Marling to Sir Edward Greg.—(Received Mag 2, 7 r.M.)
(No. 115.) Tehran, Mag 2, 1908, 5'15 r.M.
FOLLOWING from Bushirc, No. 369 :—
“ Governor will romovo his present deputy at Lingali, and another man will bo
6cut to roplaco him by noxt Lingali boat.
“ IIo undertakes, on return of his deputy horo, to talco sovorc notice of his conduct
in the caso of Shargah subjects.
"In regard to Bahreini, he says ho cau do nothing, as categorical instructions have
been sent him beforo and sinco presont caso arose to tho effect that ho is on no account p
to allow Bahroinis to bo treated otherwise than as Indian- subjects. Until wo obligo /
Persian Govornmeut to rcccdo from this position by somo public act of compulsion,
samo difficulties will, I fear, recur with increasing frequency, under circumstances
explained in my telegram No. 275, 28tli March.
" (Addressed to Logation ; ropoated U Foroign Gffieo.)”
Abovo refors to my telegram No. 113.