Page 359 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 359
Turkish interests and Persian claims, 1906-1909 349
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Mr. Marling to Sir Edward Grey.—(iZeceiucrf May 1, 7 P.M.)
(No. 113.) +- * Tehran, May 1, 1908, 6’41 P.M.
MY telegrams Noa. 95 and 96.
Ilia Majesty’s Consul-Gonoral at Bushiro reports that 5 (fivo) subjects of Shargak 1
woro recently takon off mail stoamor and imprisoned by Deputy Govomor at Lingali \
'without roforonco to Rcsidont or Agont. I think question of our right to protect
subjects of Trucial Chiefs might advantageously bo settled at the samo timo as similar
question respecting Bahroin is. Thcro scorns reason to think that Persian Govornmont
is iucliucd to be stiff-necked about Bahreinoso unless we show determination.
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