Page 358 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 358

348                        Records of Bahrain

                                                            .1 nclo.sure 2 in No. 1.
                                                       Mushir-cd-Dowl eh to Mr. Mur liny.
                                                                                   Tehran, April 1), 1008,
                                      I HAVE the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your note oT Uio 301U March
                                   respecting a certain Jjnhrcini at Lingah, and in reply 1 have to slate that, having
                                   always regard for tho peaco of its subjects, the Persian Government lias soul a strong
                                   telegram to tho proper authorities to make reparation and to do tho man perfect
                                   justieo in ease he has boon illegally ill-treated, lint with regard to tho Island of
                                   13a 11rein and its inhabitants, (o which you had referred, I have tho honour to call
                                   your attention to the various notes on the subject addressed to your predecessors by
                                   tho Foreign Ollioo, and I am sure that, after a reference to the notes and careful con­
                                   sideration of the arguments put forward by the Imperial Government as to its right
                                   over tho place in question, you will admit that tho proprietary right or tho Persian
    I                              Government over the island is not a matter to be disputed.
                                                                     I have, i\c.








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