Page 363 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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Turkish interests and Persian claims, 1906-1909 353
consideration are likely to recur with Increasing
froquoncy, a view which Is supported by Mr, Marling.
I oni to state that, for several reasons, it ap
pears to Sir E. Grey to be Inopportune to raise this
question In Its general aspect at the present moment,
and that he Is therefore disposed to avoid doing so un
less the assertion by the Persian Government of their
preoont protenslon renders such a step inevitable.
He therefore proposes, in the first instance, to
Instruct Mr. Marling to press the Persian Minister for
Foreign Affalrd to send to him without further delay
the amended note which His Excellency prornlsod to ad
dress to Mm,and, If Its terms are unobjectionable, to
take no further action for the present.
Sir E. Grey considers that it need not be in
sisted that this note should recognize specifically
the right, of His Majesty's Government to protect Bah
reini s^ but that it. will be sufficient If It. contains no
expression which can be understood as disputing that