Page 98 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 98
88 Records of Bahrain
tbo interests of British subjects. Formerly Various British officers from it
who rules by Muhammadan \m-Shara Islam. All rases, where I r tish
CourUOVOr' 010 <',°n0e‘'Ued’ S° t0 tho Ijla"' nud nro uot dcoided in tho
I never saw, or beard of, any loiter from Mr. Ducat, First Assistant Rosi-
dont, to Frncia limos, written in July 1800, rogarding tho arms trafflo tn
Bahrein. Fracis never told mo about it.
QUJc *°
(Note.—A copy of tho concession given by tho Sheikh of Bahroin to bis
Yazier is hero shewn to Mohaiued Rahim, who continues his statoment.)
This is tho concession given by tho Sheikh to his Vnzier. It was handed
on to rao during tho limo of tile disturbances at Zobara iu 1895. The Sheikh
wantod guns for his peoplo, and I was asked if I could arrange to get them. I
A^ni0Vnnti0l3ush,,0nfUd3aiW Mr* 1?racis» and arrnngod that 1 was to bo
Agent, and arrango for salo of the arms in accordance with tho terms of tho
1°°^° tho Proflt9-
Cozier was to iSTo from
return fnr « U • r.,nc8 W1!*b rounds of ammunition for each, yoarly, in
ammim»fftPrrrai8S10n- ° ,mPort lnto Bahrein, and tlireo moro guns with
ammumUon for permission to sell them. The Sheikh was to get JO rifles and
ZZ IT * *mrin rcturn for 11,0 concession. Iio was also io get
number of cartridges.00 3 *"* aS Customs <luos> wiUl a pioportionulo
pr»i,i 8*tro;8th °^. ^,,S ^r- l?rflcis began importing guns to Bahrein, and
. . eia ^ traders, who cmno from different plucos to buy them. They went
nfhop1 nn f 0 KowinhAl-Hasa, Shargah, Bunder Abbas, Tehcri, Lingah and
in thiol / 8i0n* I0? s,dcs °f ^,e Gull* I cannot say exactly how many I sold
m this way but 1 have given in an account to Mr. Fracis.
rpn*nt^0U^ If o.°8.° * w,0^c to Fracis to get back tho concession. My
v vas iat ^l® Sheikh and the Yazier wished to terminate the concession,
because arms were being sold to people in Bahrein, and the Sheikh feared
di/fin/8i0n0?Je8rr°.bc,ngarmed afjaiust him. The Sheikh told mo this
Eggrefused to roturn the concession. Tho circumstances
armo worn * 'Sheikh camo to put his locks on tho godowus containing tho
and hnrl qj?? ° Fracis had started selling tho arms on his owu account,
asked ml ft r0lat,V° 0f l,is t0 ^abiem f°r the purpose; he camo over /
through account of the arms, I mado out an account and sent it
had ARkpf ™ VUeir°\ T Uncovonantod Assistant llosidont at Bushiro, who
wards 1 rnnflp n r° 4£end lfc,‘ ^r* Sequoira mado it over to Mr. Fracis. After-
Bahrein afta *«r*°™8ao nnd Savo tI,e account to Mr. Fracis’ assistant at
over to him / aT ^Jr' ^rnc,s asked me to count tho guns and mako tlieni
mine nnH i11 8°’ b,ut arm8 remainod in my godowns. Ono look was
in the belonged to Mr. Fraois. His man used to soli the guns
wanted f i ll °f 1 man from rao* 0no night 1 senfc for ^mMing1
servant nF v. 10 Godown» and tho next day an accusation was mado by tho
arms ,afc PeoPl° bad robbed the godown and taken his
but if anv 101 £b 'vr°te to mo about it, and 1 replied that it was falso,
a robbery^ in !! W0/°4? ,ort 1 wo,,W pay up. A few nights later there was
arrosted £\ *10 Godowns. which 1 hoard of, and iatoron tho thieves
mo to protect mn fe T* thcy 1,ad 8,olcn* TI,° Slioikh was then asked by
Sheikh nloml ,/rom further losses, tho arms stolon woro rcturucd. and
the Sheikh had fofhin tl,<; f>odowns* also putting on his looks. Boforo
from tho tt ^don tho salo of these arms in Bahroin, or tboir ro'i
tbom becauso?thnv~" *"».««*« (* *-ad) t« that offset. K* *»**}
his enemies w0uM T10 8° n? iu,° t,l,c bonds of his own people, and ho f( ,
TlMJ*,'armcd- place some days before you »»ig
Sbeikb attaohed 110 exact <Into from my Pal)ors- It « «ot *r"®\
havo giyon of his own accord'& my rccomineildatio11: bo did it for tli«*ro