Page 101 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 101

British interests and influence, 1898-1904       91

             Abdul Habman Vazior's talk. You write that you liavo lot to write
          about your conversation with him, and promised to send in the following letter  »
          but you bavo not dono so.                                  *
                «       •        *        *        «        *
              Be your lottor of 13th and l<Lth.
             Wo had no lotter of tho 7th, but only the 5th; you must have made a
          mistako in mentioning dato.
                • •***••
              Wo don't think tho Sheikh is bothering you so much about duty, as thoso
          otbor pedersookhtchs, who gain by cheating, who aro instigating him, or
          falsely using his namo for their own objoct.
                 *      •        *        •        *        ft       «
              About the concession. Wo do not understand why you should address
          this matter to tho writer and not to the firm. Wo havo. moro than once
          expressed our opinion on tho subject, that so long as Vazicr is alive, wo expect
          Sheikh to koep to his agreement, otherwise wo shall hold him, Yazior, and you
          responsible for damages, loss of profits, etc., for breaking tho contract. This
          wo have written to you very often boforo, so why you have asked us again.
          If it is a sort of intimidation, it will reooil on thoso who uso it for their object.
          You do not mention what answer you gavo.
                                  *        ft      Q                 ft

                         Da tod Bushirc, tho 1st May 1807 (domi-official).
                 Prom—Messrs, Fracis Times & Co.,
                To—Aqua Moiiamrd Rahim Safpar, Bahrain.
              Confirming our last of 17th ultimo, wo aro sinco in rccoipt of yours of
          22nd and 26th idom.
                         ft       *        «       ft       *
              Abdur Eakman, Yazier. You say our roply is not an answer. What
          other answor wo can give. Wo really do not understand your peculiar ways.
          Hirst, when you sold your concession you assured us that tho words of tho Arabs
          aro not liko thoso of tho Persians, and aro most reliablo, particularly of
          Sheikh Essa and Abdur Balunau, Vazicr. Secondly, you do not 6ay a word
          about wbat answer you gave to Sheikh Esa and Abdur Rahman, Yazior, aud
          this silence on your part is very jfisliy^ and suspicious. Thirdly, you do not
          write a singlo word or advice, which is equally,fishy and suspicious. Fourthly,
          whenever our Mr. Precis is in Bahroin, yoii keep studiously quiet and never
          say a word about it to him or tako him to Sheikh Esa and Abdur Rahman,
          Yazier, which all go to show and prove that it is all nonsonso coming from you,
          and any child can see it. Our reply is the same as we have givon you time out
          of numbors, and contraot oannot be broken so easily. So long as Abdur Rahman,
          Vazier, is alive (and we aro praying so earnestly that ho is euro to live over
          100 years) wo cannot allow any ono to break the contraot with such impunity ;
          of that you may bo sure.
                 *       *        •        ft      *        ft       ft
              Abdur Rahman, Vazicr, When you do not toll us or friendly adviso us
          what answer to givo, whoso fault is it, ours or yours, whioh wo loavo you to
                 t                         «                «        «

                        Dated Busline, tbo 22nd August 1897 (domi-offioial).
                 From—Mb88R8. Fraois Times & Co.,
                 To—Aoha Mohamed Rauim Sappah, Bahrein.
              ^Oni^o^in°c             instant iu whioh wo acknowledged yours of
          ffisSXht”™ 01 “•mh
                 •       ft       ft      ft       «        ft       ft
             264 F. D.
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