Page 103 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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British interests and influence, 1898-1904 93
Translation of a lotlor from Moiiambd Adouh Rahim Sappar, to Messrs. FnACis Twits
datud 17th Rajnb 1315=17th December 1897,
After compliments.—Your letter, dated lltli December, together with its
translation in Persian, has bccu roceivod through Khurshedji in an opon cover
and I have understood its contents. I am glad to hear that you aro in good ; i
health, but have boon and am much grieved at tho tono of your lottcr. In
roply I bog to inform you briefly that I wish to sovor myself from all connec
tion with the trade in arms, bocauso this trade has brought unlimited disgrace
on overy one, especially this sido (i.c., to mo). 1 therefore do not ccnsidor it
advisablo (to continue it), and bog that you will mako up tho accounts of
(these) guns as soon ns possible, so that X may sottle whatever may bo your
claim in accordance with justice and reason. I also inform you that if you
import arms into Bahrein or any other place after tho dato of this lottcr, I I
shall have nothiug to do with it; it will ho your own concorn.* Also,, as rogards
Bahrein you may do what you like with tho Sheikh. If ho (Sheikh) takes
certain proceedings, don't blame, because, for certain reasons, I am unable to
prevont fbis taking) those (proceedings). I inform you that from what I havo
como to know from tho Sheikh's house, ho contemplates somo action. Another
matter (is this) that you will kindly return mo tho concession which was iu
my name, aud was afterwards transferred to you on bohalf of the giver of tho
concession, so that I may return it to its owner, as its existence and non-roturn
(to its owner) is (productive) of much harm. They havo now asked mo for it,
and you may rost assured that I shall never mako any bund-o-bust (arrange
ment) for auy other party, nor have I any such intention. (I have had) enough
of this (business). Lifo is short, and my ago doos not permit of (my ougago-
iug in thi9 business) any moro. If you free mo (of this business) during these
fow days, I shall betake myself to a corner and mako myself easy. As a friond
I hopo you will not cause any further delay and grant my request, so that tho
accounts pending between us may be fully cleared.
Extract from a letter from Tracis Times & Co., Dus/tire, to Aqua Moiiambd Rahim
Sappar, Bahrein, dated Bush ire, the 25lh December 1807.
« * «
Wo note that you wish to sever your connection with us with regard to
businoss iu arms and ammunition, but it is not quito clear whothor this
notico of yours includes other articles of merchandise as woll. Although we
arc entitled to six months’ previous notice before yon can sovor your connection
according to tho terms of our mutual agreement, wo havo no objection in
accepting this notico right off, but pleaso noto that this will apply only to busi
ness that wo may do from the 17th of this month, tho dato we received your
notico, but it cannot apply to goods that arc in courso of manufacture, or ready
and in courso of shipment. Wo also noto that your notico includos for business
done in this port, Muscat and other placos.
Your reforcnco to tho movements of Sheikh Esa is something wo cannot
quito understand, as it is phroudod in mystery and we fully oxpoctod a long
and dotailed explanation from you by this mail, but, wo regret to say, has not
boon forthcoming. However, wo think it advisablo to sond our Mr. Eracis by
to-day's mail to boo Sheikh Esa, aud warn him through you against any &ttomp*t
at infringement of his contract, as it is a matter which not only concerns us
but also a subjeot of a Foreign State, who will not sit quiot, but will como down
upon him for heavy damages for such an infringement.
Your application to return to tho concession is as novol as it is absurd, and
wo do not know what to make of it.