Page 716 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 716
nuoh merchants who managed to import rice never made less than 100 per
cent, profit. Though restriction of export from India was unavoidable, it j,
nevertheless a melancholy fact that few if any of our octior.s during tho *ar
bad suoh a serious effect on our influence in tho Gulf.
It is reported that Monsieur Bbrahim Elbaz, tho only Frcuoh subject in
Fr«0W iobrttt*. Muscat, intends to leave Muscat shortly
for good. J
Monsieur J. Yvonnou, the acting French Consa1, has officially informed
the Political Agent that the French Coal Dep6t at Muscat will bo suppressed.
II. Yvonnou will wind up the affairs of the dep6t on the arrival of tho new
French Consul
It is intoi'ecting to note that there are now five Omani dhows remaining
which arc entitled to fly the French flag. One named “ Saham ** has presumably
been sold or destroyed and has not been replaced.
Doctor (Miss) Hosmen returned to Muscat on 8th October. Revd. G. and
Mrs. Van Persuem left in May and Misses
AtatricfcO MU*loo.
Lutten and Kellian in July for India*
returning as usual in Autumn.
Revd. G. V. Persuem, Misses Lutton and Kellian left for Basrah in
November and returned in December.
The total rainfall during the year
Cllrasto nod Health.
amounted to 2*67. The highest tempera
ture was llO’O.
There wee no epidemic during the year under report.
Tho Hired Transport “ Charles Tefiier” on her way to Muscat from Aden
exacts*. vent «h«a at Bewl-Ktobba. aboul
30 miles from Sur on 28th June. His
Highness the Sultan of Muscat, who happened to be at Sur at the lime, on
learning this news sent his brother Saiyid Malik with some of his men to
Basel fehnbba to render any possible assistance to the Master of the ship,
H. II. Q." Eiitdmmrt ” was at Muscat and left immediately for Sur The Director,
Royal Indian Marine sent a eslvage officer and men to assist the transport,
but it wao found quite impossible to render any assistance to her owing to
heavy curl during the monsoon. Subsequently, attempts were made to salve
her but without succere. The Director, Royal Indian Marine, presumably
intends calling for tenders for her sale.
S. 3, ** Gt. Michiel” of the Maple Steamship Company of Canada, in French
charter arrived here on 7th September. She was bouud for Marseilles from
Colombo but owiDg to stress of weather and having run short of coal, had to
put in tli!3 harbour. She was obliged to burn part of her cargo of ground
n.ute for fuel She left Muscat for Marseilles on 29th September.
Political Agent and II.. B. M. Su. Cons id, Itutcmt.