Page 720 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
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                      VIII. —Bahrain Trade.—For full report under this head see “Bahrain
                  Trade report ” for 1919. Generally speaking, Bahrain trade was I satisfactory
                  during 1919. The chief handicap was the lack of shipping and the want of
                  speoio to pay for pearls ana divers generally.
                      IX.  —Shipping —The upward mails have been calling very regularly but
                  the down mail, i.e., from Basrah and Bushire may ho said to havo ceased to
                  exist. The very greatest inconvenience and delay lwibeen caused to officials
                  and merchants, not to mention the great loss of trade that has resulted owing to
                  merchants being unable to get away to India.
                      X. —Aerodrome.—Owing to the hopelessly bad state of the mail service
                  from Baghdad and Bushiro, application was made to the Civil Commissioner for
                  permission to lay out an aeroplane landing ground in Bahrain. It is hoped
                  that the Civil Commissioner will approve the measure.
                      XI. —Municipal Sanitation.—This shows no improvement, in fact the
                  contrary is the case. The Political Agent is working out a simple but fair
                  scheme for taxing the town of Manama on the principles in force in the various
                  towns in Mesopotamia. It is hoped that the scheme will he ready early in
                  1920 and that Shaikh Isa will be persuaded to sanction its being put into
                     XII,— Visits of His Majesty's ships during the year—
                                      Narno of *hlp,                   No. of vUit.
                            R. I. M. S, “ Nearchua "  ,   •               3
                            R. I. M. S. w Lawrence"  ,   ,   •   ,   .    6
                            H. M. S, “ Britomart                          2
                            I. G. T. S. “ Patrick-Stewart **   ....       2
                       Note.—No man-of-war has visited Bahrain for the last ton months,
                     XIII.—The Abrabian Mission—
                     Dr. and Mrs. Harrison visited the following palces

                                  Places.         Date left.         Date retained.
                            Ha8Ea.   .       . I7th April 1919 .  . Slat May 1919.
                            Darin and Qatif .   . 19th July 1919  .  . 23rd August 1919.
                            Haesa.   .   .   •  15th September 1919  . 24th September 1919.
                            Lingah   .   .   •  13th October 1919  . 27th October 1919.
                            Baerah   •   .   . lltb November 1919  , 20th December 1919.
                     Rev. and Mrs. D. Dykstra proceeded to India for summer and returned on
                 27th October 1919 and again left for Basrah on 11th November. Miss M. V.
                 Van Pelt returned from leave on 20th December 1919.
                     XIV. — Visitors.—J. H. Bill, Esq, I.C.S, Deputy Political Resident, visited
                 in April, the Senior Naval Officer visited in August, S. W. Wilson, Esq.,
                 Director, Persian Gulf Telegraphs and Colonol A. P. Trevor, C.S.I., C.I E.,
                  Deputy Political Resident, in December 1919,
                     XV.  —Local Honours.—Khan Sahib Yousuf bin Ahmad Kanoo was granted
                 M.B.E., and Muhammad Shareef mik Khan Sahib o’n June 3rd, 1919.
                     XVI. —Agency personnels Khan Sahib Seyed Siddiq Hasan, Indian Assist*
                 ant, held charge of the Bahrain Agency for five months during 1919 that is from
                 the date on which Captain Bray, M.C., went 6ick, to 6th November the date on
                 which Major H. R. P. Dickson, O.I E., took over charge. During the period
                 Khan Sahib Siddiq Hasan was in charge, work was carried on efficiently.
                     XVII. —Judicial—The following number of cases were dealt with during
                     Civil suits, 260.
                     Criminal, 112.
                     The Bahrain Order-in-Council came into force with effect from 3rd Febru*
                 ary 1919, As a result, certain changes in prooeduro wore introduced.
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