Page 718 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
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place wliioh was followed by Shaikh Abdullah raising the four points put
forward in London, and asking Political Agent’s advice as to the reasons why
nn answer had not been received. During this conversation, Shaikh Abdullah
disclosed the fact that 8haikh lea was not particularly anxious for an answer
his only anxiety being lest Government were annoyed at his putting forward*
petitions which ho now knew he should not have done. The interview
terminated by 8baik Abdullah accepting the Political Agent’s view that the
ruling in the Order-io-Council part I, paragraph 4, should be carried out until
a definite ruling came from the Government.
(Wole.—On 28rd January 1920, Shaikh Ipa finally consented to the election of half the
member* of the Majlis-al-Urfi by the Political Agent and the other half by himself, on which
date Majlis was duly appointed, mem here selected end work has been carried on since.)
(d) The Bahrain Order-in-Council was brought into force from noon of
February 3rd, 1919. Shaikh Isa was brought round with difficulty to accept
all the terms mentioned therein.
(e) As mentioned above, Shaikh' Abdullah bin Isa and his son Muhammad
proceeded to England on June 6th as the guestfof His Majesty’s Government.
Shaflih Abdullah throughly enjoyed the trip ^nd realised the greatness and
magnificence of the Capital of the British Empire. It is doubiful, however,
whether his visit has not done more harm than good. He saw much of an
unhealthy and demoralising nature, especially in Paris, and has come back
with many wild Political ideas which he had not got before. Shoikh Abdullah
returned from England on October 27th. At the suggestion of *• al Malika*1
Shaikh Abdullah’s mother and only living wife of Shaikh lea, all the houses
and bnts of Bahrain were dresc^d with red and green flags for 6 days in h s
III. Victoria Zfectorial Hospital.—Assistant Surgeon G. K. Monani wai
in charge throughout the period. The number of cases treated as compared
with the two previous years, are as follows:—
Ye#r. Indoor*. Outdoor*. Total.
1917 84 6,085 6,069
1918 30 6,870 5,900
1919 55 5,720 5,778
IV. The Political Aner.t's Tours.—On 2Gth December 1919, the Political
Agent, Major Dickson, C.I.E., made an exbauctive tour of the Island with the
special view of enquiring into the state of the Islanders and the famine condi
tions brought about by the scarcity of rice: Much was learnt as a result of
the tour, and the starving condition of the many villagers scattered over the
Island was amply verified. Representations were made to the Deputy Political
Resident for an increase in the Bahrain allotment for 19-0 (rice). It is to be
hoped G overnment of India will see its way to removing tho restrictions on the
export of rice from India at an early date. '"One realises Government’s mea
sures are the result of necessity, but it is difficult to persuade a starving man
that Government has other people to think of besides himself.
V. Bin Hand.—(a) Daring: the early and middle, part of 1919'relations
between Bin Saud and the Shareef. Hussain, were very strained. Matters came
to a head in the vicinity of Khurma and Tarabah, which places were attacked
and occupied by the Amir Ali the Shareef s son, but were as promptly recap
tured by the forces of Bin Saud with the destruction of the entire forces of
AIL Bin Saud was ordered bjr the Civil Commissioner, Baghdad, to return to
Riyadh at once on pain of having his Subsidy stopped. He promptly complied
and explained the whole situation in a seric^y of lengthy reports. His ex
planation was accepted by His Majesty’s Government and matters have been
temporarily settled. In the meantime, the trouble between Bin Sand and the
Shareef is engaging the careful attention of his M-.ijesty’s Government. Un
less a modus vicendi acceptable to both parties is found before the Haj season,
fighting will break out again.
(6) Shaikh ^aisal bin Abdul Aziz bin Saud, son of the Ruler of Najd*
arrived in Bahrain on August 17th and proceeded to England on August 30th,