Page 149 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 149
Bahrain-Qatar dispute over Zubarah, 1953-1960 539
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Zubarah i3 the name of a ruined town on the Western coaat
of Qatar. Tho Rulors of Bahrain, v/hich lies off the coast of
Qatar, originally came from the town and still claim property
rights in;it, and also tho surrounding area on which Bahraini
herdsmen have for centuries grazed their flocks, They have
been ropoatodly told that Her Majesty’s Government do not
recognise any Bahraini cluim to sovereignty over Zubarah.
Tho Rulers of Qatar have claimed sovereignty over the aroa as
part of Qatar. In 1950 tho Political Agent at Bahrain arranged
a settlement botween the two parties undor v/hich the Ruler of
Qatar undertook not to occupy tho fort v/hich ho had built there
and to allow Bahrainis to go there to graze their flocks v/ithout
passport or customs formalities but subject to prior notification
to the Political Agent, Bahrain, Both partios accepted this
2. Last February a party of Bahrain students with Egyptian
and Lebanoso teachers v/ent to Zubarah for a fivo day visit,
which was not notifiod. While there, they wrote "Bahrain"
on the walls of the fort. The Ruler of Qatar protested,
'regarding this as a breach of the 1950 settlement, Two weeks
later he established a police post near the fort, but outside
it, with instructions not to interfere v/ith Bahraini herdsmon.
The Ruler of Bahrain has vigorously protested and threatened to
cut off communications v/ith Qatar unless the police post i6
withdrawn. His anger is personal: it is not shared by many
Bahraini merchants trading v/ith Qatar.
3. The Political Resident has urged both States to adhere to
the settlement, and lias asked tho Ruler of Qatar to withdraw the
police post. Ills refusal to do so is understandable so long
as Bahrain appears to claim sovereignty over the aroa. There
v/ould bo no troublo if the Ruler of Bahrain would rest content
with tho priviloges accorded him by the 1950 scttlomcnt.
Once friction is removed, tho police post will probably bo
withdrawn for administrative reasons.