Page 145 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 145

Saudi Arabia-Bahrain seabed boundary, 1951-1958    535

         7.   From there Lo the ulurking point.
              Tills urou cited und defined above shall be in the part falling
         to the Kingdom of baudi Arabia in accordance with the wish of II,II.
         the kulor of bahruin und the agreement of ll.M. the King of baudi
         /.rabiu.   The exploitation of the oil resources in this area v/ill
         be carried out in the way chosen by His Majesty on the condition
         thut he grants to the Government of nahrain one half of the net
         revenue accruing to the Government of baudi yvrabia and arising from
         this exploitation, and on the understanding that this does not .
         infringe the right of sovereignty of the Government of baudi Arabia
         nor the right of administration over this above-mentioned area.
         Third Clause
              Two copies of a mup shall be attached to this agreement,
         making as clear as possible the positions und points referred to in
          the foregoing subsections, subject to the map being made final by
          the expert knowledge of the committee defined in the fourth clause
          below.    This map shull become final and an integral part of this
         ugreoment after approval and signatures by the accredited representa­
         tives of the two governments on behulf of the two purties.
         lourth Clouso
              The two parties shall choose a technical body to undertake tho
         necessary measures to confirm the boundaries in uccordunce with the
         provisions of this agreement on the condition that this body shall
         complete its work two months ut tho most after the date of
         execution of this agreement.
         Fifth Clause
              After the committee rofcired to in the fourth clause hue
         completed its work unu the two parties agree on the final mup which
          it will have prepared, u body of technical delegates from both •
         sides ahull undertake the placing of signs and tho establisliiug    of
          the boundaries in accordance with th*. detailed announcements made
         clear in the final mup.

         Sl/>th Ciuuse
               This agreement shull come into efiect from the dute on which
          it is signed by the two parties.

               Given in liiyadh in two original Arubic copies on the
              I| Lh of Shu'ubun in the year 137/ corresponding to
               February 22nd in the year
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