Page 140 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 140


                            530                      Records of Bahrain

                                                                      Uritish Residency ,
                                                                      Jamiury 27, 1950..

                                 The Political Resident, who is now on tour, uaked me to let
                            you know about some important developments in rclutionu between
                            Bahrain and Saudi Arabiu which if they become known will probubly
                            urouue u good deul of attention in Po.siu*
                            2.   For eoine years pout there huve been intermittent negotiations
                            ubout the deniurcution of the soa-bod boundury between tlie two
                            countries; I enclose u summary of them*    This referG to a map
                            which I do not send you uo it io of grout ni^e.   The moot important
                            part of the boundury from our point of view is in the neighbourhood
                            of u shoal called Faoht bu Gu'afu, which lieu uome 43 miles north
                            of Ualiruln in approximately lutitude 26°50'north, longitude 50°23  1
                            east*   Such scientific evidence as is uvuiluble indicates that
                            this shoal may be the top of un oil-beuring structure*    There
                            huve aluo been difficult discussions over tv/o tiny iulunds in the
                            nurroY/o between Bahrain und the Baud! Arabiun mainland, referred
                            to in the text as the Uuineh Islands, but these are not regarded
                            us of great importance.   You will ulso see mentioned the Rennie
                            Ghouls; these lie ubout 13 milo3 oust-north-east of Fosht bu
                            bu ufa and ure not regurded as of uny particular oil intercut*
                                           . ii •
                            3.   A i'evi v/ceks ugo un uncle of the Ruler of nuhruin, Shaikh
                            Abdullah, met king Baud, wo think by uccident, on u hunting
                            in Gaudi Arubiu and apparently of his own volition raised wit-n
                            King the question ol* the sea-bod frontier* The Ruling lamily ha
                            been much concerned with it lutuly because the Buhruin Petroleum
                            Company huve recently conducted u thorough examination throughou
                             their concession urea witliout finding any prospect of new oil
                            deposits except ut Fuuht bu ou'ufa; us the Buhruin oilfield may
                            be expected to dry up in 20 years o.v so, the question of finding
                            more oil is of importance* However that i.iuy bo, King Saua
                            uppeured receptive to the idcu of renewed negotiations, und eiiai
   ;                        Abdullah* went back u fortnight ago with the proposals set out in
                            paragraphs 7 und b of the enclosed memorandum. This does not
                            however muke it clear that the urou involved is a rectangle uounu
                            by the parallels 26°I|U' und 27°3' north and by the mcridiuns ov
  ! 1:                       one 50°35' oust.
                            n.    Shaikh Abdulluh did net muke much progress on his visit, but
                             the King bus now invited the kulor of ouliruin to visit Saudi Arabia,
                             on February 21, and the uulcr has agreed.  He has asked, however,
  •:                          r 11 ?° publicity whatever should be given to this vioit.   In spite
                            01 this, there is always a chance thut it muy come out und v/e
                             LJioreforo think thut you should be informed of it in advance.
 !M                         5*
                            to . CU,l??L aUV,lt;e y°u beforehand on what you might suy in answer.
                                any ‘JU0131ions, but we should be glad to do our best if you send
                             ir * 1 ■*legi,am* As u first shot you might be prepared to say that
                           7 JL! 1   l0!’ 0f ba,u*uin visits the king of Guudi Arabiu, it is a
                          ( noruul courtesy between neighbours v/ho ure purticulurly friendly
  3 :                     S       4 bot l c,lQl,n descent from the Anuizu tribe, and does not
                          l indicate any change in the status of Bahrain*
                            (w1u,Lr0Sc&) to^^iai^Luiu01'to “oburt Wnl,nBley 0,111

                                                                              (rJ.F. Olven)
                        J.W. imeoell. Esq.,
                                                           COR FI DEBT I All
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