Page 135 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 135

Saudi Arabia-Bahrain seabed boundary, 1951-1958     525

               ft lino southwards and that if in Uio papor handed to mo
               at Uio Joddft talks King Sftud had meant south-oast rathor
               tlmn south ho would no douht havo said so, but that
               in fact 110 said southwards.  As you aro av/aro tho basic
               argument on this portion of tho frontier turns on our

               wish to retain tho potontial oil-boaring structure for
               Bahrain and tho Saudis* wish to obtain it for themselves.
               As regards tho southern part of the lino and tho division
               of tho Bainas Yusuf Yasin said after some discussion that
               it v/as clear that tho problem was a mainly technical ono
               as to whoro tho dividing lino could most conveniently bo
               drawn, and ho said ho would refer tho various possibilities
               to technical exports.  Tho two proposals in tho field wore

               the Saudi ono that tho northern island and its
               territorial waters should belong to Saudi Arabia and tho
               southern island and its territorial wators to Bahrain,
               as shown on tho Saudi lino drawn on tho sketch map
               roforred to above, and secondly Shaikh Salman's suggestion
               doscribod in paragraph 7 above that each island and its
               territorial wators should bo divided. As Shaikh Yusuf
               appeared to see some difficulty in dividing in half such
               small piocos of torritory and as it seenjed to mo that

               in fact this is a slightly absurd idea in practice, I
               throw out tho personal suggestion of a third altornativo,
               that tho lino should bo drawn along the eastern edge of
               tho northern Baina and along the western edgo of tho
               southern island,i.e. giving each country tho whole of

               ono island but only half its territorial wators. This
               would koop tho lino more or loss straight as desired by
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