Page 134 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 134

524                       Records of Bahrain

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                         to tho north and from thoro would go straight to tho
                         nearest point of tho median lino which would divido
                          tho soa-bed on tho Porsian side from that on tho Arabian

                          sido of tho Gulf. In tho courso of longthy and
                          repetitive discussion of tho part of tho boundary in
                          Uio neighbourhood of tho Fasht bu Saafa Yusuf Yasin's
                          argumonts boilod down primarily to two.   One was that
                          wo v/oro now proposing quite a different lino to what had
                           boon put forward on the British sido in London. In
                           reply to this I pointed out that that lino had been
                           without projudico to tho shoals and islands which
                           naturally affoctod tho position of tho final boundary.

                           (I would intorjoct hero that the production by our
                           dologation at tho London mootings of 1951 of this theoretical
                           median lino has had a disastrous affect on tho whole
                           subsequent courso of thoso negotiations and emphasizes
                            tho danger of making hypothetical statomonts to pooplo

                            with montalitios like that of tho Saudis in order to
                            illustrato legal concepts instoad of relating our
                            position to the facts and tho matters of real interest
                            involved). The socond point was that when tho Saudis
                            had agreed in Jodda that tho lino should run southwards
                            from tho mid-point of tho Fasht bu Saafa they had
                            thought that the Fasht v/as tho area bounded by tho 10
                            fathom lino which would give a mid-point much further
                            oast, or alternatively that this statement had not meant
    li                      that tho lino should run duo south i.o. it might run
                            to tho nearest point on tho Saudi median line. I replied
                            to Uio latter point that thoro v/as only one way to draw


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