Page 132 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 132

522                       Records oj Bahrain

                          that Uio boundary should begin at tho mid-point of tho

                          Fasht bu Saafa and run thoncu southwards to join tho
                          Saudi median lino proposed at tho London talks in
                          1951, and to suggest that tho Fasht must bo dofinod as
                          tho area of dopth of one fathom or less. It also
                           contained accoptance of tho idoa of dividing tho
                          Baina islands, provided that the boundary was in othor
                           rospocts satisfactory, but proposed to do tills in a
                           different manner to that previously proposed by tho
                           Saudis. After this lottor had boon road to tho King

                           I urr od him to consider two general arguments in favour
                           of tho Rulor’s case. Ono was that Saudi Arabia was tho
                           largost Arab state and had enormous oil rosourcos,
                           porhaps larger than those of any other country, and
                           that 1 ng Saud could therefore v/oll afford to bo
                           gonorous to Bahrain which was perhaps tho smallest Arab

                            country and had oxtremoly limited oil resources. The
                            socond argument, which I made clear I was putting
                            forward on my own and not at tho request of Shaikh Salman,
                            was that, as King Saud knew, thoro had recontly boon
                            political unrest in Bahrain and that people were trying
                            to impose a new constitution on the Ruler and to roduco
                            his powor. I know that King Saud did not approve of
                            theso procoodings, and had in fact rofusod to support
                            tho reformist party when they had sont an emissary to
                            him. I suggested that tho best way in which ho could
    n                       strengthen the Ruler’s position would bo to mako a

                            settlement of this boundary which met Bahrain’s
                            requirements. I suggested that it was in his own

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