Page 136 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 136
526 Records of Bahrain
Shaikh Salman and would avoid tho complicated and rathor
silly procedure of marking a lino down tho middle of a
sand-bank whoso size and shape is liablo to change.
9. After consulting King Saud Shaikh Yusuf told
mo that tho whole question would have to be referred to
technical exports on tho Saudi side and that they would
then draw up a complete proposal for tho boundary lino
and send it to tho Ruler. At my farewell audience King
Saud handed mo a letter for Shaikh Salman to this effect.
I urged on him that when he came to consider tho reports
of tho technicians he should bowaro of their tendency
to struggle for every small piece of advantage for thoir
own side and look at tho question in a broad way bearing
in mind that whatovor was in tho interests of Bahrain was
in tho long run in the interests of Saudi Arabia also.
I also remindod him of insurances given in his namo at
Jedda that tho sea-bed boundary should start from the
i ■ mid-point of tho Fasht bu Sanfa and run southwards. I
said that I hoped I could be sure that any futuro proposal
put up from tho Saudi side would start from this point
and would not seek to go back behind it. The King said
that ho would never go back on what had onco been agreed.
10. My genoral impression was that Yusuf Yasin found
himself in some difficulty betwoen his desire to kcop
tho potential oil bearing structuro for Saudi Arabia
and the agreement which he had given in King Baud's name
at Jedda about tho location of tho northern part of
tho boundary lino. He v/ill now no doubt consult Aramco
and sock by every possible moans to devise some now formula
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