Page 131 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 131

Saudi Arabia-Bahrain seabed boundary, 1951-1958     521

                                      - 3 -
               both of these islands. I think it would bo more
               convenient for both sides if oach of those islands and
               tho waters surrounding thorn woro divided in half instoad
               of giving ono island to Bahrain and the other to Saudi

               Arabia. Tho reason for this is only so that the boundary
               lino should not approach oither country moro closely
               than is nocessary.
               5.   Tho boundary lino which I propose is shown on the
               maps which Mr. Burrows brings with him. It goes from
               the mid-point of tho Fasht bu Saafa to the south until
               it moots tho modian lino put forv/ard by tho Saudi
               delegation in London, and follows that to tho end,
               except for the small change in the area of tho Daina
               where tho lino has been straightened to leave half of
                each island to oach country.

                     Bahrain/Saudi sea-bed.

               7.     At my first audionco' with King Gaud I handed to
               him a lottor from tho Ruler of Bahrain which was based
               on the onclosod note supplied by mo to tho Advisor to
               tho Bahrain Government after discussion with him and
                tho Bahrain Potroloum Company, Its main objoct was
                to rovert to tho agreement obtained from the Saudis in
                tho course of my talks in Jedda last summer to tho effect
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