Page 144 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 144
534 Records of Bahrain
5. Thun the lino will ox Iona fromy.olnt b to point y situated at
the onotorn extremity of tho islund ill buiua A1 Kubir, leaving thu to tho kingdom of tinudi Arabia.
10. Thun tho lino will oxtond from point y to point 10 oituutud
at tho mid-point of the lino running butv/von tho nor th-v/os torn tip
of Khor I'uoht (M) (f) and tho southern end of tho island of
Chuschuu (Ii) (o).
11. Then the lino will oxtond from point 10 to point 11 aituuted
ut the mia-point of tho lino running between point 0 (e*) situated
at the western ei.gc of iruoht A1 Jarim und point I! (£) referred to
in sub-60ction 10 abovo.
12. Then tho lino will oxtond from point 11 to point 12 situated
at latitude 2b degrees 31 minutes l|ii seconds north and longitude 50
degrees 23 minutes 1'5 seconds east approximately.
13. Then the lino will oxtond from point 12 to point 13 situated
-at latitude 2b degrees 37 minutes 15 seconds north and longitude
50 degrees 33 minutes 24 seconds east approximately.
14. Then tho line will extend from point 13 to point 14 situated
at latitude 26 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds north and longitude
50 degrees l|6 minutes 2l| seconds east approximately, leaving tho
Konnle ghouls (known as Nujwut A.l KiquL und faslit A1 Anawiyah)
to tho Kingdom of liuudi Arabia.
15« Then the .line will extend from point 14 in a north easterly
direction to tho extent ugreed upon in tho royul proclamation
issued on tho 1st bha'uban in tho year 1360 (corresponding to 2pth
May, 1y49) ana in the ordinance issuud by the Govorrinent of
Bahruin on tho 5th Juno, 1545*
16. iiverything that is situated to the left of the above-mentioned
lino in tho above subsections belongs to the Kingdom of liuudi
Arabia and everything to tho right of that line to the Government
of Bahrain, with tho obligation of the two governments to accept
what will subsequently appear in the second cluuse below.
Second Clause
Thu ureu oituutod ..ithin llio si:, defined sides is as follows:
1. A line beginning from a point situated at latitude 27 degrees
north and longitude 50 degrees 23 minutes east approximately.
'I1 minutes 46 seconds north and longitude 50 degrees 23 minutes 15
iTom fcherv. to u point situated at lutltudo 26 degrees 31
i seconds east approximately.
3. krom there to a point situated at latitude 26 degrees 37
minutes north und longitude 50 degrees 33 minutes east approximate
4. 1‘rom there to a point situated ut latitude 26 degrees 59
minutes 30 seconds north und longitude 50 degrees 46 minutes 24
seconds east approximately.
5. from there to a point situated ut latitude 26 degrees 59
minutes 30 seconds north und longitude 50 degrees 40 minutes oast.
6. from there to u point situuted ut lutitudu 27 degrees north
und longitude 50 degrees i|0 minutes oust approximately.