Page 154 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 154
544 Records of Bahrain
Translation ol* letter No. 1478/1.372, dated the 16th
Rojiib,1372 ( 1st April,1953), from His Highness the
Ruler of Bahrain to Mr. John Little, H.M. Political
Agent, Bahrain.
• • •
After Compliments,
We hove received your esteomed Letter No.
(101010/15/53) , of the 30th March,1953 - 14th Rajah,
1372, in reply to our letter of the 3rd March, 1953,
No.1241/1372 dqtod 17/6/1372.
You have mentioned in your letter that the
Political Officer's visit was on your instructions. As
regards your unnwareness of the students visit to Zubara,
it was already decided that those who visit Zubara
need a permit from us only. Moreover, it .is not for
the Shaikh of Qatar 's men to supervise - This is
in accordance with the letters in our possession. You
have mentioned about the letter of 1950, I explain
to you that that was respecting the movement of our
subjects along with their families, cattle and luggage
: from the Kingdom (? Saudi Arabia). These were the contents
of the letter of 1950, and as regards those who go to
Zubara with our permission, a decision was taken in
accordance with the last Note No.C/L,106, dated the 18th
March,1950, from ho Political Agent to our Government's
Adviser ) which I showed you at the meeting - In order
to make what we mean clear please refer to paragraph 2 of
the Note.
i to endeavour You have stated that you are taking urgent steps
i to restore the situation to what it was agreod upon before
i and requested us not to tkae action that would Jeopardise
your efforts in this direction. We like to support and
to ...