Page 157 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 157
Bahrain-Qatar dispute over Zubarah, 1953-1960 547
1—*i1—jl—jo VI jIj
Political Agenoy,
( *r / n / > «av ) r-Zj Bahrain,
(101010/33/530) 4th May, 1933.
^ ^JVl J»-Vl 3jA»- Hla Highness
< 1 JLLU1 a**- OIO l*i*» *—• j- -li Shaikh Sir Salman bln Hamad
A1 Khalifah, K.C.M.Q,, K.O.I.E. ,
• • If—J *i*' * • </* * * f' * * </ Pulor of Bahrain,
**»—1 ^.^5" 1—*-
r£^.a» ^iUJi
Aftor oompl linen to.
In continuation of my lottor of
Jtffia ^ <jrkCI L-JL^JI
April Oth regarding tlio removal of tho
2JI lli>/JI 3. <J\j ^
polloo post v/hloli lias lately boon
jl 4 Jjl—^__Jl |
g»- *" 3—•
. oatabllshod near Zubarah, I consider,
d. il i —< L-4-5* ^1
no Your Hlghnoae dooo, that It ohould
sr ——^ J I.U V ^ 1—5* l—«
i not havo been ootabllohod, • I will
oontlnuo to endeavour to liave It
• 1—1^ 1 - -■** ^L5' i—•—5" 3 jI—*1 j
v------Jl r Sjl ^l0l ja_ij V x'oinovod and tho oltuatlon rootorod to
what It woo provioualy, I cannot
promloo that I will bo suooeaaful In
tlilo but v/111 lot you know again how
• 1
tho oltuution stands in about two
ol j—to— i5
months tlmo. . I will do my boat to
(jr—^ Ql—J—>-^—4 V
onouro that Shaikh All dooo nothing In
! •Il^I l±J± JI 4 a. ■» j
the meanwhile to aggravate tho
cl J.l <
situation and I v/ould urgo also Your
1j.fl »»■ .3 .3 j-»----- ■« vi.
HlghnoQQ to i*ofruin from any ouoh
* *1 JL I'd*
a* Hi uuiiu
p4 J J 3 jlS* 11 Usual ondlng.
( J—1--«■ J *j1 • ^ )
-------------jlU^Jl JJ, jJl J—■»!*>, (J.1S,R. Little)