Page 159 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 159

Bahrain-Qatar dispute over Zubarah, 1953-1960      549
           CONFIDENTIAL                                                        I

                 AND THPJ SHAIKH OF BAHRAIN ON OWE 161 1955*

                Tho Ghalkh of Bahrain called on tho Minister of State
           on Juno 16*    Sir CUnrloc Bolgravo, adviocr to.tho Sheikh, and
           Mr*. Burrowo. were also . present*.
                                                              ... ./;\ v -0.
                                            ..               ' . •
           2.   The Min inter of Gtato told Hlui.'HlghnoGaUiow much lmportcttioo r;.
                     • .   '•  '.   ' '   .   •         v"           *.     ••  ..
           llor Ma^eoty *G Govornmcnt attached: to tholr rolatiozm with, ' -
           Bahrain* tholr oldest frlcndi^ io tho Persian Oulf-jand naked’ if.* •
           thoro were any wattorn in which His lUghuonn z’oquirod our help*
           3*    After expreenionn. of tho worm friendship folt for Her
           Majcnty’o Oovornrocnt by himcelf and hie anccatorop tho Shaikh
           oald there wore two important mattorn in which ho hoped for
           llor Majcety'o help.
           l\*  The firot wan that of hie righto at Zubara*     Ever nicco
            tho conquoat of Bahrain by tho Shaikh's ancoetoro they had had
           righto to certain property in Zubnra and to send their flockc
           and ehopherdo and followoro there.     In 1936 tho' Shaikh of
            Qatar had triad to inotituto a oyntom of paonporto and had

            UBOd force againat tho Bahroinlo who were carrying out their
           ouotomary visito to Zubnra«     It had boon nooeoEnfcy to remove
            thcoo poople to Bahrain and to mako arrangementa for them
            to grnzo tholr flocka in Saudi Arabia instead of in Qatar*     In
            19h4 an agreement of a kind had boon reached but there wnn
            continuous trouble*    in i9f;o a further agreement v/og made through
            tho Politionl Agent by which tho BahralniD wore allowed to
            rotum to Zubara and t.o talco up tholr houooc and bolongingo

            thoro provided they had a permit from the Shaikh of Bahrain* ..
           Tholr violto to Zubnra woro froo of par.oport, ouatamo and polloo
            controls a f07/ months ago nomo of the school boyo. from tho
            Bahrain oohoolc wont for n few day? holiday oamplngVat ZubaraV
            They wore approached by armed men from Qatar who aokofl'how
            long they wore.otaying and by whoeo permioslon* They .'Bald *
                                                                ?>• /they;
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