Page 162 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 162
552 Records of Bahrain
H jlj
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May 5, iSWjf
' :
• J
• Um>-U I 4 VI
llio HiclmooD .‘3hulk^ air Culmaii bin- •• !:
I aiy*- j I u*»- ^ ^ Li*« ^ ^ ® Hamad nl Khalifat*, K# 0*)k Q#y • ; t'(
* V ' <* **</-’</4 • v? * r** *</ K; a, !•]£* ,
• 1—*»J i v^r-^-JI Hula? or Dnhyain^
I lj 1 mp», .ji l 1—i Jub
After oomplinionto
O* o^Cr-^4*' gi-^ -*1
I tun now ablo to otato to Your
^Jij c^L-vrj ^ ^
lliglinouu tho viowo of Hor Majesty*P
^y aJ ^—* j i a,
Government on tho mat torn relating to
SjLpI «—jf&x* Jii_iOJI
tho Zubarah question which I rooontly
* t^ * ]y- y~+ f-£_n~«
dioouuood with you* Thoy aro
, JJUH jI^JV 0\ (V)
(1) Triboumon ov/ing ullogianco
.V—! j—-I I J |r"i J—*«» ^ I --*J I
to Your Ilighnoou v/ho hubitually
«j—Jl J** V j—I*—* ojjj j—i
viult Qatar for trussing and
(j* L*j
Pimilur pux’Xioaoo shall oontinuo
.1^ rUJl ^}*0l
to bo froo to do oo«
^—*3—w <J (V)
(8) Tho A1 Khollfah shall
jjLptajLj «y A.x-jUji
oontinuo to bo froo to Yipit
Kubarah for purf^opos of peorpatioJj
{jLw^ji a j i—j i
and hunting In uogqrdnnoci With
habitual praotlpe.
J-----^uu V iJ j— (v- )
(3) Tho Qatar, eiuthorItXpa trill
cvJlTi—JL^Jp Lf j.„h J clk.J___
not lntorforo in any way yith the
o y*1—^ ■■■»V i y
ppoplo parrying out tho normal *
’ i *
/ ot,lptt Yielta at (1) anfl (2) aboyiQh ' ;
>■ m