Page 158 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 158
548 Records of Bahrain
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Translation of a letter No, 1750/1372 dated the 20th Sha b
1372 - 5-5-53 - from Hio Highness the Ruler of Bahrain to
the Political Agent, Bahrain.
After Compliments:- lOIOioJsC/xh*
Y/e have received your letter No, 1009/31/53* dated tho
4th May 1953 concerning removal of the police post which has
been established near Zubara. You huve mentioned that it was
not proper to establish the post and that you would continue
your endeavours to have it removed and to restore the situation
to what it was previously within two months* time, Y/e agree
to the quoted period of time and if tho removal is not carried
out we will be compelled to submit this case.
Usual Ending. 6- Mk/ Ucod
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