Page 163 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 163
Bahrain-Qatar dispute over Zubarah, J953-1960 553
S"JuJI i—yl—jjJI
• U) J lv) yf
(4) Tho Qatar polloa v/ill not
V cJ U )
maintain a permanent poet at-
Huburuh but will bo free to onto?
tho fort there In tho goijrge or
*U:I si)Ua j—* UU1 •/
visits by mobile patrols from
c. JJ Cr
• > i-v time to time*- •••»:
• •.
v-l~ L-r (<• ) (5) An it uppooru tliat there way'
c l*L» JI J ^ j—Sj nil bo conflicting olaiian to
j VI d 2>UJ Jl i—aiL-tu individual private proporty in
£ySj*t »j\-~jj\\ \ Xubaruh ouch olaimo may bo
c.1 *L*Ij VI i>Ljt J-m sottlod by roforonoo to* local low
o*1 j unj i l.—..?• und ouutom and for thlo purpose
J—^V*!*-** I l vL^J j may bo hourd bororo an impartial
i- I qIS* cr* Jl» O*' I Qudi from another part of tho
r J * G^1 d Poroiun Gulf* • Any ouch claims
^-Jl «Ji—» Ji* uhull in tho first instunoo bo
1 iu ^ J .*>4. .» stated to tho representatives of
^^ 1 .lJ I lJ I Hor Majesty1a aovornmont who will
< J--~t£^xJ l £--*»>• arrange, in oonoultation with all
4—JuQ ^ l-t—p1. b— conoorned, for thorn to bo hoard
• 4 >L-*I *jySA—jl in tho above mannor*
Her Majesty1o Government ufter
l-----1 X-^-JI i—-P-L-^ very onroful consideration have oomo
I g i ■ j> a -J I j.. J~»aJ I to tho ooncluoion that tho abovo
♦ I 4j£ JuJ I Ua! I #. ! uri’angoinont will moot tho just olaimo
__S'v^JLlw. of both parties and if thoi'e io
/ *—