Page 168 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 168
558 Records of Bahrain
COPY 19th May, 1952.
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your
letter No. 2053-U53F of the 17th May, 1952, on the subject
of tho fort at Zubarah.
2, On receipt of your letter of the 15th April I instructed
Ii.M.Political Offioor, Mr. Weir, to investigate the matter,
and I wrote to him again on the 24th J1pril, after His
Highnoes had mentioned it to mo personally. On the 29th
April the Political Officer visited Zubarah, taking with
him Hamad al Qahtanl, the guardian of tho fort and keopr
of tho gey, who happened to be in Doha. Mr. Weir found,
stored in one of the rooms in the fort, some old, yellow,
dry hay, which he was told had been there for three years,
a statement which in Mr. Weir’s eyes had every appearance
of probability. There wore no dates or other provisions
stored anywhere in the fort, and in particular there was no
sign of hay or other goods having boon carried in or out
3. On the 3rd May His Excellency the Political Resident,
who was on a short visit to Doha, spoke to Gliaikli AH hln
Abdullah al Thani and asked him to remove this hay from tho
fort and to leave it completely empty. This Shaikh All
promised to do,
I have tho honour to bo,
Your obedient Servant,
(W. a, Luvor)
H.M.Political Agent.
The Adviser to tho
Government of Bahrain,