Page 160 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 160

550                       Records of Bahrain

                   thoy wore okaying four days and by porniionion of oho Uhaikh

                   of Dahraln*    Bhort-iy after this a Qatar polloo poot woo
                    established no or Zubnra within the area it) which tho Shaikh
                    of Bahx'ain claimed hie rights*   His people iMufa* thoroforo,
                    had to movoi'froin tho vioinity of the pooh*
                    5*   The Shaikh of Bahrain tw? uakcdllcr Majesty's Government
                    to draw a lino showing tho boundaries of tho urea In which
                    ho ..had righto 4 and to onouie that the Shaikh of Qatar doee not
                    intorfero inside that area with polloo and patrols#    lie sold

                    thorc wuo a map in Uor riajo&ty'f? Government's possession whic*
                    oilowed thlo area,   Ho agreed in further diouoosion that he was
                    not olairoing sovereignty over thio aroa, and that for instance,
                     if oil were found in it, that would belong to tho Shaikh of
                     Qatar and not to him.   But ho wished to havo a clear, definition
                     made by Her Majesty’s Government mid not by the Shaikh of Qatar
                     of what tho area was in which ho could exorolco hlo traditional

                     6.   The Minister of State onid that Mr. Burrows would be
                     inutruoted to r.iuke it one of bin first tanka to study thio
                     matter of ter hie arrival in tho Persian Gulf and to cond a
                     full report to the Foreign Office*    llo would try to noouro
                     an agreement with the Shaikh cf rotnr no to what, tho nrc.n was.
                                             vAdW          4-          Vifis) oMkoWTibU ^
                     If not, it would bo nocononry t.o conaidcr what other stops
                                                               f\       jdu ^ aotjLrr
                     oould bo taken to occuro a doojoion.'i\>
                                                        oyCU^v O/HaW^n  * Jtko
                     7*   The second question which tho Shaikh wiohed to raise was
                     that of tho ooa boundaries of Bahrain;    Bahrain was a email
                     island and its existence depondod on tho nurrounding ocas whioh
                                                        » *
                     it had always used for fisheries, baling, eto.     He was under
                     the protection of Uor najeoty9!) Government and they had defendod
                     him against tho claims of the Persians and the Su^ko in tho pact*
                     Ho how asked thorn to dofond hlo territory against Baud* olairao*
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