Page 17 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 17
The Ruling Family 407
bV;o;.i.rni; i. ivies:, b* la
19 s«v/.w)
Auwuut '<?Mi 1990*
Uhalkh ,Xoo Vila rimlifa and Mo brother, vttuilkh Kinuiia,
arrived la London from Copenhagen on July 10a A>.Viv.noL UiiuUO
vu.o uot ti«?r.i at tilso airport woro Sir C.hurlou bol^rovo,
Colonel C«allov/uy, Uulituamud Kanoo, Oayyld fnlur.ourl and n\yculf*
H. Vlioix1 official vioit, details or which woro containo*.: in
ir’o.olnn cmoo telegram ho* 10Jj9 ol' July 9, wont v-..xy wo31 and
scorned to pluoao thou, Ao you knew. they cuu'lo an official
call on the Moorotaxy oi' ..tuto on July lb, and both lie und the
liiniotor of dtuto, Compandor iioblc, attended tho official
luncheon given fox* thorn at (Jarltun Gardonu on tho i’ollov/liv; day.
Vh'Oy woro unublo to moot tho i'ri:.*.o Minima r during the course
oi* tho official prograiitno, ao Ijo woo thou v..i\v preoccupied with
.audio bout crioitt, but iio uld uoo thorn lntor and poraomiUy
oilowed thOii rearid Ko, 10 l.-ownlng atroot, They uloa called on
tho Lord (Jhfu.iborlain to hand ovor thoix* /lifta fox* i'riuoo Ghurlou
und i'rlaoooo Anno* Thin mooting wont very viell no J.o.d
dearbornugh i*o Oi-bovod thoir {*runGfut!ior, ::haihh lUv.ud, wn., hncl
viulLod Uo. ibny when bo was Oovoruor t!:ox*c. They woro not aulu
no h.uJ boon hoped to oco Tho Vu». on, at tho hoyal Cordon Party
on July 17, no lllncua prevented Hop K-uJonty from attending: it,
hue 3.‘.rtunntoly there .•»uo an opportunity for ti.e.i to l;o ^roounlod
to hoi' ut Goodwood,
After tho official viult, tho IJuIiruia ."otroluu.i dosr.pany
uxvar.god a lavioh programme for thaw, and various other
co:.i,ounioo. including the bunko, gnvo luncheon portion for thorn.
Daring tillo por1 i;d dir Charles Mo3grave nine gave n party In
thoix* honour, Moth tho official find thv rrivato orogra i..os
woro inevitably rather crowded, but although tiio bhuifchti :.u\y
have felt at tii.iou tiiat tboro woro rathvr too i.iua.. official
functions, they wore on tho whole well pleased to bo i'Gtod by
ovoryono in thlu way.
b. both ‘ iurlUUo ir.pruuood everyone by their good mann.-ru ar.d
us/lability. It lu clem* that they now foo l completely at
l.wj.'.u in . n/.;lo/.da Tho ir.portonoo they attach to tho Dritioh
c.iunuxion la rof looted in thoir oonv.v runt ion, InUood tho;/
tended to give the impression of fulling over hue .'wards in
their dopondonoo on hritiuh protootlon, Thoir wox'do on
leaving tho doc rot ary uf Stato woro to the of foot that they
wlonod tho rolutlonohip botv/oon hahrain and Her tiujeaty^
i‘iovo:,i.;.;ont to last for over; the ttulcr of dharjuh auid on a
uicilnr ocoaulon ia»roly that ho hoped that tho two Ovimtrleu
would oontinuo to co-opox'uto.
dir (kmmrd Jiurrovio, lUO.{>!«Gt,