Page 18 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 18
408 Records of Bahrain
M.vmwn m.
‘3. Ohaikli *lGa did attotipt to raiuo tho fuburuh quootlon ut
tho oud ol‘ hlo mooting with who Soorotiuv of •trtto* Ilia i
nctnul wordo woro, “Our fathor oaid that thoro wan onu <;noutli.n
affooting buhruin which romulnod uurouolvod* do uuid that you
would know vrlmt thiu woo without our ; ontiOiii..*: It." Tho
noorotury of btuto parried thin by onying»t ho undorutood
that tho baud!-huh rain oouhod frontioro had now boon a otbloci.
Ohuikh ,Xnn thou tr:lod to ho i.noro explicit but no tho intorvlow
took pluco on tho mom 1 ft# of tho Xi-uqI coup, tho .oorofcary of
fttuto had ouffioiant ronoon for bringing tho mooting to un orui.
Tho bhaikho woro wall ourvod by tho it* travelling aouipuniono,
dullah Kuuoo unu l.luliur.rr.ud dulul, and huhu ...iud r<moo, who who In
London ut tho onuo tlroo, woo uloo vary helpful, l.'ahauvihci i'anoo
gave a vary .lm\ o ca.oktQll party at tho Dorqliontoi* in thoir •
honour, in conjunction with tiolonol Ch.uyji, H.j\, who imo, I
boliovo, liicuronoo Intorooto in Iiahralu. ile unci hlo u*.n woro
exceedingly attontivo to tho bh&ikho, ur.ti (.ho ecu h.»o bocacu a
clouo friend of hhaikli \ ha’llfu. dhuikh Khalifu’u J:.«o\vlud;;o
of London nightlife muot bo un rival lad. It wuu
uotlcoablo that ho and :;imU:h 'Iuu bocartt progromrivoly more
cloopy and uncommunicative in tho r.iorf»ln;i). The hhnikhfi
thowoolvoo govo a cocktail party ut the .*:«v<;y townrdo tho ISIiU
of thoir vioit.
7. To 0111.: up, tho Ohuiklui aoo- od ti oror.inl:; to on joy tho tit a?
thoy opont hero and T. imagine that thoir f#»od ipuronaionn of
tho vioit will bo ootuaunioutod tu thoir futhor,
vi. 1 a:. uunbiug ooplou of chit letter to «:• alt ai.d :.ujlot.
(h‘. {.i. Ji. *iiolK?0)
(l •') iMiUji fTTah