Page 265 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 265

Petroleum affairs                    655

               whole aroa could ho sustained. If however this is
               tho offoot of the legal advice which wo receive,
               the disadvantage v/ould he less. If it were decided
               to inako such a proposal it could perhaps best he
               made as a second part of a personal appeal, supposing,

               as is most likely, that the Saudis rejected the suggestion
               that Bahrain should he given undisputed rights over
               the area.
               V.       I v/ould hope that if it is found that the
               Ruler of Bahrain's legal case is weak, v/c shall riot

               he content merely so to inform him, hut that we shall
               first consider the political implications referred
               to above and tho possibility of a settlement on political
               rather than legal lines cither in the manner suggested
               in the preceding paragraph or in any other manner which

               may he thought useful. We could then indicate to the
               R lor, at the same time that we told him what \yO
               thought of his legal case, that we were prepared to
               attempt to reach a settlement reasonably satisfactory
                to him by these other means if lie wished us to do so.

               y.       I am .sending copies of this despatch to
               Her Majesty's representatives at Jcdda and Washington,
                to the Head of the British Middle Best Offico and
               to the Political Agent Bahrain.
                                      I have the honour1 to he,

                                      with the highest respect,
                                       Your obedient Servant.
                                            Maa            ■'CTK/

                                            (B. A. B. Burrows)
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