Page 269 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 269

Petroleum affairs                     659


               The method by which the Company intends to operate tho.
          1'ield will entail a gradual reduction in production rate
          starting in tliroo to lour years, and will maintain a
          reasonable level of production during the period of the next
          thirty to forty years with a yield estimated to be greatly
          in excesu of that which would bo obtained if the rate wore
          hold at 30,000 barrels por day or higher,    It is on the
          basis of achieving this important increase in recovery that
          the Compuny had intended, in the very near future, to explain
          to Your Highnous the necessity of reducing production rate
          within the next four years with the object of making clear
          that thut courno of action is in the best intorosts of all
               Tho reports on the studios which have been mado,
          together with all of the information upon which these
          studies have been based, are available to your Uighnoas at
          any time.    Chould Your Highness wish to employ the services
          of an outside consultant to go into the matter fully, such
          action will be wolcomoo by tho company and all tho necessary
          information will be made available for that purpose,     An
          independent study of this nature will show that the Company
          has always produced, and will continue to produce, the
          Ualirain Field "in accordance with good oilfield practico"
          and in tho bout interests of your jiighnoss and the people of
          Ha bruin.
               Uuiu'.l ending,
                                      {si gi ioi.l; C. k. oarlchurst
                                        Chief Local Uepreoontative,
                                    Tho IJahrain petroleum comapny Limited.
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