Page 272 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 272
662 Records of Bahrain
(2105/17/54) 1 :A3-m di May 31» 1954.
Door Department,-
With reference to our letter 21(^5/10/54 of March 27,
we oend you herewith copleo of u letter and its enclosure
from tho Boll rain Petroleum Co. Ltd. giving detail a of
their recent oalary and wage increases.
2. Hitherto all BAPCO otaff have worked a 48-hour
week (6 days of 8 hours), though the daily-paid workers
have been paid for 7 days* work a week. The company are
now contemplating introducing a 5i-day week, following a
•similar move "by AHAMCD in Sauli Arabia. Office otaff and
non-shift workers will put in 8 hours on five days a week
and hj hours on tho sixth day (44i hours in all), while
shift workers will work u 42-hour week.
3. On April 15 the Bahruin Government increased
the wages of its daily-paid -labour by one rupee a day,
the new wages paid to the Public Works Department staff
being ob follows:-
Ha ner diem
Unskilled labour 4/12 as.
Gang pushers 5/8 as. to 8/-
Curpen tera & fitters 6/- to 11/-
Macons 6/- to 13/-
The new rates paid to the antl-mularia staff of the
Public Health Department ure:-
Ho per diem
Unskilled labour 4/12 as.
Head coolies working
as tindals 5/8 as.
The Pul)lie Works Department staff (and probably the others
as well) are paid only for the number of days worked, but
work on Friday, which v/e gather is frequent, is paid a
full day1 s wage even thoufji less than 8 hours are Y-orked.
Overtime on weekdays is also frequent, and is paid extra.
4. No increase has been made by the Bahrain
Government to the salaries of their monthly-paid employees;
these benefited by certain adjustments to salary scales and
by the consolidation of the high cost-of-living allowance
with buoic oalary in February, 1953.
5* On January 26, 1954# the Bahrain Government
li iuGiithly-Id employees (drivers, fitters, rilguu v«aoC**»iiSi*,
increased the annual leave with pay of itB subordinate
etc.) from 14 days to one month.
Eastern Department,
Foreign Office?
London, S.W. 1.