Page 271 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 271

Petroleum affairs                     661
  \ mmw. mimmjmmjjmm
   Awn31." Bahrain farojpn<Gulf

                             I.’                   E(            r.'  i.

                                                                      2P1IS •,  :.
                   pi  tmn stohaos dihuhg period                   743,979.324-
                ^BXKU!&X6BXaZSBlEft N                               34t570*787


                                                             ■’ ’.5
        709,403.537 tonn of Crudo 011 0 Ha* 10.00 por ton boing
        total not Royalttou duo for tho porlod lut July 1952 to
        .31 at Do combo,- 1952                               Ra. 70,94,065-6-0
                                 *• v )           • i .>
             (luipfiod ,Seventy Lakho, Nlnoty-four Thousand and              r.
               KJghoy- five slid Ann/io SJx only)

        l’ayablo in pounda sterling (llnitod Kingdom) no tho
        rubo of one shilling and sixpnuoa stoi.9 tog (llnitod
        Kingdom) for mioh rupoo (in oooordnuco with itom 2
        of tho BupjOomontul Agroomont dated 8i-h Docombor 3952
        botvioon Ilia lhglnMsa and tho Company) and amounting to „..  £ 532,056-8-1
             (poundo starling Five Ilundvod oml TlrJroy. t«/o
               Tbcnmnd and Fifty a lx,-. Shilling a lSSgl.*,
               I'i'.l pooco Ohm only)

                          the iiAimiati lwmof.Kim cor.PMiY i.iihtei)

                                  Original. .SIcried bv
                           Ilf.  ___LLcffllb_1/1 'Ulln.ii_____
                                  AwQilii GI1W ACCOlllffANf

                                 Original. .Signed by
                           UY        R l-i brown
                                       Tinl'iuS riwii?("Sr

                                              STATEMENT AUDITED
   266   267   268   269   270   271   272   273   274   275   276