Page 266 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
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656                        Records of Bahrain
                                                                                   . •.
                                       CONFIDENTIAL                                 •V
                               FROM BAHRAIN TO FOREIGN OFFICE
                     Cypher/OTP                             DEPARTMENTAL DISTUIBUTION r
                      Mr. Burrowe               ). 0.35 p.m, December 31, 1953
                      Ho. 1062
                                                H. 0.05 p.m, December 31, 1953
                      Dooombor 31, 1953
                      CONFIDENTIAL                                            •: •••
                           Addressed to Foreign Office telegram No. 1062 of
                      December 31
                      Ropeatod for information to Jedda,               i *          w
                                    And Saving to B. 11.15.0.,  Washington,       * •!'
                                                                              • •
                           My despa toll 107, Bahrain Petroleum Company,           ;-F^
                           - /
                           On Doceinbcr 26 the Ruler had a further long conversation . . V".
                       with company officials, In which he began by saying that if
                       they did not drill a test well in additional area (i.e. in,the
                       sea bod) within one, or at the most two, months he would take
                       this area away from them including the ax-cn in dispute with
                       Saudi Arabia, He ulso said they must double production in the
                       main island. The Compuny hud meanwhile received the approval
                       of their head office for structural drilling programme at
                       Fasht Adham, They told the Ruler one or two months was quite
                       impossible but that they were prepared to carry out structural
                       drilling and, if necessary, drill u test well in this urea. Ho
                       eventually said that they must do this within nine months.
                       Subject to approval of their head office they are proposing
                       to reply that, while they cannot guarantee to do the work in
                       this time, they will do their best and will give the Ruler
                       periodical progress reports. They expect that this will
                       probably satisfy him [? gp. omitted] time being. But, in the
                       course of the conversation, he indicated he was quite ready to
                       go to arbitration if necessary,
                            2.  As regards the rate of present production the Company
                        took the opportunity to tell the Ruler that, so far from being
                        increased, the rate must decrease after about K or 5 years.
                       He said that he did not trust their arguments and wanted to have
                        an independent check on their data, which should be carried
                        out by independent [gfrs,--omtTlea j by [gpdriandec. ] Mr. Thornburg
                        and Sir^K, Fraser. ,-The Company said that they would gladly .accept
                        fthis. The Company' are concerned'at the deterioration of the
                        Ruler s attitude towards them.
                             3.  I have since received a somewhat terse letter from
                        the Ruler mainly complaining at the delay in the settlement
                        of Zubarah question, but also delimitation of 'the.*;•
                        sea bod and to hi$ interview at the Foreign Office during the
                     7       4. It has been learnt here on good authority that
                4     ^King- Saud has arrived at llofuf und is moving very shortly to
                   \ ->)phahran, where he will 6tay for some time (60 Aramco houses
                                                                  having been.:,..
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