Page 262 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
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652 Records of Bahrain
territory to grant an oil concession and which has
lined ils revenues the b.wt should now find ilfjolf
outstripped by its lens deserving and more .improvident
no i labours. When tho Uulor rained with Ilor Majesty's
Government tho question of his seabed boundaries as
recorded in Foreign Office Despatch to iny predecessor
Mo. 107 (F.A 10537/3) of July 3 last it was believed that
he was put up to this by the Company. His statement
to Mr. Drams ted t however, mentioned in paragraph 1
above, shows that now at any rate he has his own strong
reelings on the subject oi' additional oil resources.
It is not clear whether he has had any serious approaches
from another Company and really wishes to give a now
concession, or whether he is merely using this method
l.o encourage the bahrain Petroleum Company to get on
with their exploration and indirectly to encourage Her
Majesty1 s Government to get on with the delimilotion of
tho seabed. I appreci.- te that tho Foreign Office are
now studying the material provided uy the buhrain
Petroleum Company in support of bahrain1s claim to
Fasht bu Sa'ai'a and I gather that it may well be found
that tho evidence is not strong enough to give much
hope of a successful outcome in legal argument or
arbitration. 1 am not clear in this connection
whether it is clearly realised that the area in which
the bahrain Petroleum Company is .interested lies woll
to the east of the highest part of t.he Fasht bu Sa'afa
shoal and.of the light which has been erected there,
and that consequently they would be happy with a
boundary that followed 50° &)" east latitude or ran