Page 258 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 258
648 Records of Bahrain
13ri tish Residency,
Despatch No. 107
Bahrain. • \
CQNFIDKNTIAb December 7,' 1'953V
i •
During the recent visit to Bahrain of
Mr. Brainstedt, President of the Bahrain Petroleum
Company, the Ruler informed him that he would like
the Company either to dig wells for oil in the seabed
area of their concession or to give the area up so
that a concession for it could be sold to another
Company. The Ruler indicated that ho had held
approaches from other Companies. Mr. Drums tedt told
the Ruler that he would refer the matter to the
board of the Company and give the Ruler a reply by
the end of the year. A few days ago I was invited
by the Company, together with the Political Agent
and Sir C. Belgrave to a meeting wi th them at which
Mr. Skinner, a Vice President of the Company who lives
in Bahrain, Mr. Darkhurst, the General Manager, and
Mr. Godfrey, an i’.nglishinan who is the senior geologist
in the Company, explained to us the efforts wliich the
i The Right Honourable
I Anthony Eden, M.C., M.P.,
= i
Her Majesty’s Principal Secretary of
State for Foreign Affairs,
Foreign 'Office,
London S.W.l.