Page 253 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 253

Petroleum affairs                     643

          IJliJI eljXJJl o     j—i\ J—^aJl       such payments raado In respect of
                                       J T I     periods subsequent to 31 December
        «. I----- -\)—jJ I y  fj* cL-jJjJ’ J----  1951 shall bo credited against, and
                                       ^ J
       j—c*—* I }j—i—yj I                m       be treated as payments on account of,
         *■ -««1*   1. J         1—»JI—          the Company's obligation under
                 T 2j--------------  AXJI ^      Paragraph 1 at the rate of exchange
                         • 1—^            Jj     provided In Paragraph 2 of the
                                                 Supplemental Agreement.

          pi—jJ----- IxJ 2—ir     XJI 6I,             The Company will appreciate Tour
              I     ■I        p—|AJ iVl y—J    Highness kindly Indicating acceptance
         j ■■ Jl   »l j J|. -+1JI          1   upon the attached duplicate of this

                                               letter and returning that duplicate
                                               to the Company.

                  )*«JI y>L t «-!/—AJI L>..J |      We have the honour to be,
                                                      Your Highness* Obedient Servants,

       I jj j^JI cmj—*tJl J*—Vi tf,------ 1    THE BAHREIN PETROLEUM COMPANY LIMITED.

                                                            R. M. Bream.
                                                      Chief Local Representative.


                          CT4     v>-l—•       His Highness, Sheikh* of Bahrain.
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