Page 251 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 251

                                      Petroleum affairs
                        — \ -                                   - 2 -
                                                  tho ground or from under tho oeebod
          -----fw     (y\*r oh*
                  jjV III*                >-      bolonglng to Bohrnln shall bo given
          _UJ1 j 2 jjLJI a-«wJJ U-j 2JL531         owoy othor than thot whloh goos Into
        ^iJl rI^JI  JxiJl  LU, cyi^oJ •            tho potrol furnlohed to tho Bahrain
                                                   Uovernmont froo of oherge In aooordnnoo

        JjLT*?" d'    O »iJl ' k                   with tho Supplomantel Agroomont, dated
         4------iUsMJ   IL±> LU lXPJl Juy£j       pt-J'JC; u</'t t
          • N A 0 T ll—   ,\ A 4->-j l i-jL>JvM
         4--------;Loy J j fr~0K I Jl (t )C2)      If Your liighnoso ohould ot any time
         V JjA« 4 >1*1 3^)'' I   ^11       I       oonoldor thot tho obovo prloos hovo not

                ^ o'     o*\y *S,A'" ou V-*^       boon fotrly ond reeoonobly orrivod ot,
                           • rS^- c?               tho Company ogrooa to review tho matter
                                                   with Your Hlghnooo.

            *    fLs.Xi j) ^LluVL         o'       Tho Oompony will npproolnto Your Highness
      4j*Z wLtlj J^-oJ 1 It^lp o2^*>**'' <ic'-  kindly lndlontlng ooooptanoo upon tho attoohod
                                  •            dupllcoto of this lottor ond returning that
                                               duplloato to tho Company, •
                   4 ^4mJ 1 >. »>t« L u^>«J 1 Uj   Wo have tho honour to bo,
             * o^1^' f>—     r ' ^cvJ o'           Your Highness * Obedient 3orvants,
          2 jj j xJ I   I JajL'
                                                TIE BAHHBIM PKTHOLEUM COMPANY LIMITED.
                                                        f/ / Ss
                                                               ') l A. < <. *"»• «.
                                                          It. M. Brown.
                oir. ' f 'j
                                                      Chief Loool IloprosontatlTo.
                      J-**" J-~"

                                               His niebness, Sheikh of Bahrein.
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