Page 252 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 252


                    642                       Records of Bahrain

                               Tl-IR BAHREIN PETROLEUM COMPANY LIMITED

                                                        I1AIIIIMN ISLAND. PKII.MAN GUI.F.
                                             > «o
                                    » voL /;*■ —t > V                      .✓a          •• / > A .
                                          I IA — j      CON-110.                • 4 4 /// / •

                iV^lA- JT ^ ||)Uu jm Qy<UI )< —H y>L l^i>   Hia Highness Shoikh Sir Sulman
                                                         bin Hamad al Kholifoh, K.C.M.Q. ,K.C* I.
                   u-* i/ * u»* 'f* * u- * i/
                                                        RULRR OF BAHRAIN.
                                     Cm/--   ^—*■
                    i     Jib } LyjJI a*j* |«<u—Aj a—   Aftor Greetingsi

               . a     I ji—J                                I have the honour to confirm the
                   ----1 Cr-* 9 r-V~- 6  r>—i—’         agreement into which Your Highness and
                                 Cm/-- -**»R ^          The Bahrein Petroleum Company Limited
                                       I      *-----•&  have today entered, as followsi
                 i—uoojl       1-nl^ J,L-A yj-S
                                                             In consideration of the Company*a
                if      Jl L-^LJaTI ^ I )/-DJ1 0—A
                                                          agroemont, contained in Paragraph 1
                v>-«J—*JH Jjl—.>JI«
                                                          of the agreement supplemental to the
                   o 1 IUt I-JU      T ^ ^
                                                          Mining Lease of 29 December 1934)
               6H»     ^r-     h   1                      which Supplemental Agreement was
              (la------- ^*JI &  LJI )
                                                          executed today, to pay to Your
                    All -L-JuJI OJ 0
                                           J 6            Highness a fee Qf two and one-quarter.
                                                          pence sterling (United Kingdom) per
                              V     *11. jj--------- Ol ,  barrel in respect of all foreign orudf
                 IUT         r~< ^■"|l   J|| ; j----|1                     \ . «'•: '
                                                          oil brought Into and refined In
                                                          Bahrain on and after 1 January 1952 i;.;
                                               *7*        the Company yill make no further ,. .«•§ 3

                                                        ■ V0luntary P«y~nt» In aooardance
                                                          th« Company's latter to Xonr Highnaia.'
                                                          COH-722, datod :28;jun. 1951,


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